Press Releases
Te Puni Koriki – Gone by Lunchtime!
Posted on February 1, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“Unbelievable!” was the only thing Hone Harawira, leader of the MANA Movement and MP for Tai Tokerau could say when told about the Maori Party’s support for the break-up of Te Puni Kokiri. “The Maori Party’s been huffing and puffing about…
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Treaty blocks SOE Sales
Posted on January 30, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“The Treaty is stopping the government from flogging off the nation’s assets, so they’re gonna throw the Treaty out” claims MANA Leader Hone Harawira. Section 9 of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 says that the Crown will not act in…
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Ban the Pokies | John Minto
Posted on January 27, 2012 by admin in John Minto, Press Releases“Pokies are still crippling our communities and the problem is getting dramatically worse in quake-ravaged Christchurch” says Mana’s Vice President John Minto. The Department of Internal Affairs figures show money lost through pokies in Christchurch last year increased a whopping 9.4…
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Shackin up with the Devil
Posted on December 7, 2011 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesSHACKIN’ UP WITH THE DEVIL The Maori Party is on the road – asking their members to let them go back into coalition with National because both Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples are desperate to not leave Parliament with the dodgy…
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Maori Party needs to Taihoa, says new Mana President
Posted on December 6, 2011 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press ReleasesNewly elected MANA President Annette Sykes is calling on the Maori Party to cease all negotiations with National until the special votes are counted. 220,720 votes are still to be counted and it is likely they will result in a…
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Trespass Notice issued against MANA members
Posted on December 6, 2011 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press ReleasesA trespass notice has been issued by the Auckland City Council against those who are a part of, or associated with, MANA. Other organisations named include Occupy Auckland, Unite Trade Union and Legalise Cannabis. The notice is in relation to Aotea…
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Posted on November 27, 2011 by admin in Press ReleasesMANA’s immigration spokesperson James Papali’i says MANA will be calling on whomever governs after tomorrow’s general election to immediately put in place a 12 month amnesty against deportation for all Pacific Island overstayers. Mr Papali’i says 150 to 200 people representing…
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Mana Industrial Relations policy – key points
Posted on November 25, 2011 by admin in Policy, Press ReleasesKey points: Promote industry wide pay scales which take wages out of the competition between companies. Comment: Security is an excellent example of the failure of the free market to protect and increase workers wages. Security officers typically are either on or…
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Election Day Rules
Posted on November 25, 2011 by admin in Election 2011, Press ReleasesKia ora all campaign volunteers, There are strict rules about what can or cannot be done on election day. If we don’t follow these rules then our candidate and MANA could be referred to the police for prosecution. The main DONTs are: DON’T…
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Mana Industrial Relations Policy
Posted on November 25, 2011 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesJust when you thought it was all but over… MANA to release industrial relations policy 12noon today in Khyber Pass MANA will release it’s industrial relations policy outside Darien Rush Security in Khyber Pass this morning. This company is a perfect…
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