Posted on June 17, 2011 by admin in Press ReleasesHONE HARAWIRA ON RATANA PROPHECY
“I am flattered that people even mention my name when they speak of the prophecies of TW Ratana”, said MANA leader Hone Harawira, when told of Ratana’s quote that ‘if all the lights go out or all the people lose hope, turn your eyes to the north, a young man will rise up carrying the Treaty’.
“TW Ratana was not just a great Maori leader, he was also one of our nation’s greatest ever treaty activists,” said Harawira. “But while it is true that I have been an ardent campaigner for treaty rights all my life, and that I am a son of the north, I don’t see myself as the fulfillment of his prophecy.”
“Those are matters for others to consider. I’ll just focus on the job at hand – ensuring that as tangata whenua we can one day take our proper place in Aotearoa, that those who work need not be treated as slaves, that those in need get the support they deserve, and that our rangatahi can see a place for themselves in a brighter future.”
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 5:31 pmAt long long long last the Herald prints what I and my brother Malcolm Evans, the cartoonist, have been saying for years, and what got us banned.
And the cops telling me 6 times, at my home, to shut up ringing talkback radio.
Doctor’s violence cure: No TV
By Simon Collins
5:30 AM Friday Jun 17, 2011
Study author says NZ is more violent for children than realised, and parents can take action to help. Photo / Thinkstock
Study author says NZ is more violent for children than realised, and parents can take action to help. Photo / Thinkstock
The author of a landmark study of violence against children says the easiest way for parents to do something about it is to turn off violent television shows.
The study of 2077 children aged 9 to 13 found that New Zealand “appears to be a more violent country for children than was previously realised”.
Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of the children had been the victims of physical violence at some stage in their lives, and 53 per cent had suffered it in the year of the survey, compared with overseas rates of 50 per cent in the US and Italy and 33 per cent in Britain.
A similar number (66 per cent) had seen physical violence against other children, 27 per cent had seen it against adults and 90 per cent had seen it in the media.
Simply seeing physical violence against others, in the media and in real life, affected children more than suffering themselves – partly because four-fifths of the violence they suffered was inflicted by other children.
“Witnessing physical violence against adults and in the media had more impact on children than witnessing physical violence against other children,” the study found.
The study’s lead author, Dr Janis Carroll-Lind, said all kinds of experiences of violence contributed to problem behaviour.
“Where you have a child exposed to violence themselves, and maybe had an abusive childhood, watching violence on television is yet another trigger. That is the one thing that we could change quickly. Parents can make a choice as to what their children are watching or what video games they are playing.”
Dr Carroll-Lind said she tried to reduce exposure to violence when her own children, now 30, 28 and 25, were growing up.
“But by the time they are teenagers the peer influence is very powerful,” she said.
She surveyed NZ children for her Massey University doctorate, awarded in 2006.
The first academic paper on the study has just been published in the Social Policy Journal of NZ. Printed publication of the journal ended in 2009 because of Ministry of Social Development funding cuts and this month’s issue is the first web-only edition.
Physical violence was defined for the children as “being punched, kicked, beaten or hit, or getting into a physical fight (punch-up)”.
The study found “emotional violence” was even more prevalent, experienced by 80 per cent of the children. It was defined as “being threatened, called names, ganged up on, left out, not spoken to, narked on, gossiped about and having tales told about me”.
One in nine children (11 per cent) had also suffered sexual violence – “having unwanted sexual touching or being asked to do unwanted sexual things”. This was comparable with 12 per cent in a US survey.
The impact of the various kinds of violence was measured by asking children which items from a list were “the three worst things that ever happened to you”.
Dr Carroll-Lind said schools, as well as parents, could help in reducing violence.
* 53 per cent of NZ children suffered physical violence in the past year.
This compares with:
* 50 per cent of Italian and US children.
* 33 per cent of British children.
By Simon Collins | NZ Herald june 17 2011
Vote Mana Party as well!
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 8:08 pmp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3slwP-2wOT0&NR=1
Most people think FEMA is a organization to look out for most of the civilian’s better interest dealing with emergency situations. but in fact they are training for martial law they are also training to jail and house enemies of the NWO and they are also undergoing military training to disarm America in the wake of martial law. they will move from emergency relief to captors and jail guards. it is already public, the training they are undergoing. so beware what the future and FEMA’s intent with innocent ppl like you and me. bases all over the states are slowly looking like jails/ concentration camps. so be careful what you say and who you say it about because laws are already being passed that slowly take away your freedom of speech. and with the patriot act even you could be seen as a terrorist if convenient to you government. so rise up and stop giving away your rights before you make this easy for your government to attack its own people and jail you and silence you for good. enjoy the flick i did not make it nor am i representing it im merely offering you evidence on behalf of its maker.
Coming to New Zealand soon if you vote National, Labour and Act in again, be sure of that
The ‘voice’ is a disguised one to protect the whistleblower.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 8:17 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3slwP-2wOT0&NR=1
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 8:26 pmAt long long long last the Herald prints what I and my brother Malcolm Evans, the cartoonist, have been saying for years, and what got us banned.
And the cops telling me 6 times, at my home, to shut up ringing talkback radio.
Doctor’s violence cure: No TV
By Simon Collins
5:30 AM Friday Jun 17, 2011
Study author says NZ is more violent for children than realised, and parents can take action to help. Photo / Thinkstock
Study author says NZ is more violent for children than realised, and parents can take action to help. Photo / Thinkstock
The author of a landmark study of violence against children says the easiest way for parents to do something about it is to turn off violent television shows.
The study of 2077 children aged 9 to 13 found that New Zealand “appears to be a more violent country for children than was previously realised”.
Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of the children had been the victims of physical violence at some stage in their lives, and 53 per cent had suffered it in the year of the survey, compared with overseas rates of 50 per cent in the US and Italy and 33 per cent in Britain.
A similar number (66 per cent) had seen physical violence against other children, 27 per cent had seen it against adults and 90 per cent had seen it in the media.
Simply seeing physical violence against others, in the media and in real life, affected children more than suffering themselves – partly because four-fifths of the violence they suffered was inflicted by other children.
“Witnessing physical violence against adults and in the media had more impact on children than witnessing physical violence against other children,” the study found.
The study’s lead author, Dr Janis Carroll-Lind, said all kinds of experiences of violence contributed to problem behaviour.
“Where you have a child exposed to violence themselves, and maybe had an abusive childhood, watching violence on television is yet another trigger. That is the one thing that we could change quickly. Parents can make a choice as to what their children are watching or what video games they are playing.”
Dr Carroll-Lind said she tried to reduce exposure to violence when her own children, now 30, 28 and 25, were growing up.
“But by the time they are teenagers the peer influence is very powerful,” she said.
She surveyed NZ children for her Massey University doctorate, awarded in 2006.
The first academic paper on the study has just been published in the Social Policy Journal of NZ. Printed publication of the journal ended in 2009 because of Ministry of Social Development funding cuts and this month’s issue is the first web-only edition.
Physical violence was defined for the children as “being punched, kicked, beaten or hit, or getting into a physical fight (punch-up)”.
The study found “emotional violence” was even more prevalent, experienced by 80 per cent of the children. It was defined as “being threatened, called names, ganged up on, left out, not spoken to, narked on, gossiped about and having tales told about me”.
One in nine children (11 per cent) had also suffered sexual violence – “having unwanted sexual touching or being asked to do unwanted sexual things”. This was comparable with 12 per cent in a US survey.
The impact of the various kinds of violence was measured by asking children which items from a list were “the three worst things that ever happened to you”.
Dr Carroll-Lind said schools, as well as parents, could help in reducing violence.
* 53 per cent of NZ children suffered physical violence in the past year.
This compares with:
* 50 per cent of Italian and US children.
* 33 per cent of British children.
By Simon Collins | NZ Herald june 17 2011
Vote Mana Party as well!
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 10:47 pmn mid-July, the elitists will meet for their yearly pagan rituals at Bohemian Grove.
Our world leaders do occult practices and thenplan our fates
Following the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz and the corporate media’s partial coverage in order to at least appear somewhat relevant, the crown jewel of Operation Mockingbird, the Washington Post, has posted an article on the decadent soiree in northern California. Remarkably, they went so far as to mention Alex Jones and his clandestine filming of the Cremation of Care that is featured in his film, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 17, 2011 at 11:34 pmAlex Jones getst arrested, for just asking a question, of George Bush, when just a governor in the Land of the Free. Sound familiar?
Alex has been warning the whole world ever since (getting back at the system)
Listen to Alex Jones and specialists, scientists and guests
and the corporates’ varied victims on internet Radio 24/7 365 days a year.
Listen now (while you keep surfing)
Download VLC Player & install.
Then listen to Alex Jones by downloading the pls file to play on VLC Player at next line.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 19, 2011 at 3:54 pmProzac Leaking in Ocean Making ‘Shrimp’ Suicidal! – Alex Jones Tv
Alcohol makes our high school kids suicidal similarly to Alex Jones on about shrimp
I am going to resurge my blast about sugar and white flour product, where I was derided on Talkback – Radio and banned.
There is a direct link of sugar use and craving as a precursor of alcohol craving.
(In the body blood sugar from good carbohydrate is SLOWLY broken down to alcohol plus other byproducts etc + energy)
Slowly is the operative word.
Consumerism demands instant gratification products be sold and the dairies all mostly is now supplying SUGAR and ALCOHOL in tandem and no longer any fruit and veges.
A craving for nicotine is also fostered.
Then as final assault on the body we get P.
Take your children now and go as far away from “civilisation” and all its poisons as you can.
Once they have you hooked and ratty and raiding dairies for a ‘fix’ then, they have a ‘ Police State’ to lock you up and or shoot you!
Go get away from the modern witch doctors – Paul Holmes and Co (he ruined his own kid) and the bulk poisoners of free market laissez faire bullshit, empirialists etc etc
Or stay and fight the bastards for our right – proper food!
We outnumber the bastards
Hubbards’ sugar- added ‘breakfast food’ go f yourself
You will get a better deal and nutrition from some old witch doctor in an untouched clean little ‘garden of Eden’ in say Africa.
nah – they will hunt you down heh heh
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 19, 2011 at 8:43 pmHONE HARAWIRA ON RATANA PROPHECY
“I am flattered that people even mention my name when they speak of the prophecies of TW Ratana”, said MANA leader Hone Harawira, when told of Ratana’s quote that ‘if all the lights go out or all the people lose hope, turn your eyes to the north, a young man will rise up carrying the Treaty’.
“TW Ratana was not just a great Maori leader, he was also one of our nation’s greatest ever treaty activists,” said Harawira. “But while it is true that I have been an ardent campaigner for treaty rights all my life, and that I am a son of the north, I don’t see myself as the fulfillment of his prophecy.”
etc etc
So Maori and muscle and brains linked to Green
um brains
means that the Mana Party and Green Party are the real Tangatawhenua and real Treaty partners linked MOST to the LAND (Greens)
The other parties are all DIVORCED from MOTHER NATURE
Shucks I am so clever!
Brian Evans says Kia kaha, keep strong!
my brother http://evanscartoons.com
my maori bros http://mana.net.nz
My cuzzy bros in the greens http://www.greens.org.nz
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 21, 2011 at 1:44 amSharing the Mana Let’s go New Zealand!
Hey John Key, It’s time your Government grew up over New Zealand and gave in to the Green and Mana Parties. It is like a
war now to save our land from The New World Order, to be run in NZ by the traitors National Labour and Act, lead around virtually, by a money
manipulator – John Key, hiding behind a big cheesy greedy grin, which does not fool Mana and the Green Parties for one moment
Mana and the Greens join in saying loudly:-
“Stop selling off our resources, to stay in power, John Key!”
Our Mana Party and our Green Party marching together against Imperialism and theft of our resources http://www.michaelparenti.org/Imperialism101.html
Mother Nature is so happy!
Real People of the Land fighting side by side, literally for life and our children’s future…
http://bestpoet.com your poet bro
http://mana.net.nz your maori bros
http://greens.org.nz your cuzzy bros
http://evanscartoons.com your cartoonist bro
Sharing the Mana – Let’s go New Zealand
Ake ake ake Kia kaha
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 23, 2011 at 7:19 pmThe important Byelection!
Our politics june 23, 2011, today, is according to our illustrious Big Brother media just going to be a quick “OOH gee Hone Harawira said the word ‘BULLSHIT’ and that’s all we got of the ‘debate’.
Then straight in to long long convoluted discussion about some tough guy called Sonny Bill somebody or other, saying something or other about a game that should be called thugby
cos of all the injuries it causes and which have long reporting time all of their own.
Then more long debate about ‘Sharks’ versus ‘Crusaders’ worried about who gets a football to kick or carry quickly around and fall down and um ‘score’.
Then woman having a period and upsetting one of…aww fuck it forget it.
I am pissed off!
Anyone else pissed off”
Later tonight Big Brother media will take us to its own TV shows where words like mother f…er are screamed out.
And Hone said he strongly hates this same putdown of women and our mothers that gaybo media illustrates constantly.
He only vents ‘bullshit’ as an expletive,
Vote Mana Vote Green
Suck it down bullshit media.
whangarei gangta says:
Post Author June 23, 2011 at 7:48 pmtat employers presidents fried owta his head, cant yuz tell
Ropata Paora says:
Post Author June 24, 2011 at 12:39 pmThe Maangai…mmmm Not so much a Prophecy perhaps but moreso an observation. There is a large Raatana Movement in my neck of the woods. And I don’t believe that what ever that Prophecy was it was for the people to be living in pohara conditions, or to be controlled by a few in the haahi, and for many to become Ignorant in the ways of our tuupuna. IE Te Reo, Tikanga, Ngaa Mahi a te Marae etc…. Unfortunately that is the case from where I am from, and that mentally is still alive and well in the church! Mana for me is To Be Free to unashamably express your MANA-MAORI- MOTUHAKETANGA i ngaa waa katoa, i ngaa waahi katoa! No rules, or restrictions! I believe that Hone to be sincere in his willingness to address these issues, but would question the agenda of others, as to just what Mana means to them, and how it is defined in their daily doings….!
Heoi anoo taaku!
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 27, 2011 at 10:33 amJune 27, 2011 at 10:20 am
The New World Order that America has, under both of their main parties, Democrats and Republicans, is coming to New Zealand if we continue to vote for the same nazi, hurt the poor pariies, ie Labour , Act and National
TSA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_Security_Administration
TSA forces 95-year old dying woman in wheelchair out of her adult diaper for search
:News Herald – Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.
“It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”
Our Mana Party and our Green Party marching together against Imperialism and theft of our resources http://www.michaelparenti.org/Imperialism101.html
Mother Nature is so happy!
Real People of the Land fighting side by side, literally for life and our children’s future…
http://bestpoet.com your poet bro
http://mana.net.nz your maori bros
http://greens.org.nz your cuzzy bros
http://evanscartoons.com your cartoonist bro
Sharing the Mana – Let’s go New Zealand
Ake ake ake Kia kaha
Listen to Alex Jones and specialists, scientists and guests
and the corporates’ varied victims on internet Radio 24/7
Listen now (while you keep surfing)
Download VLC Player & install.
Then listen to Alex Jones by downloading the pls file to play on VLC Player at next line.
Thanks people.
Love to all
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.”- Frederick Douglass
Ratana Adherent says:
Post Author July 18, 2011 at 9:43 pmwhen OUTSIDERS refer to pito pito korero
Ote Mangai It is not uncommon for people with worldly knowledge to think as they do and to interpret what the cardinal mind perceives.
I on the other hand always look back to the witnessing of TWRatana’s work. Where TWRatana’s daughter, Te Reo Hura sent a clear message to Matt Rata and Whetu Tirikatane regarding Nga Koata ote Mangai, that the mantel that was once upon the original members of parliament before Matt Rata and Whetu Tirikatene had returned back to Temepara – Back to Te Mangai.
This message applies to anyone who thinks
that the mana is transferable to any Maori Candidate or member of parliament. Donot listens to fools or men who think they understand the movement of the spirit. Stick to your Political Pathway Hone and free yourself from OUTSIDE Points of view, as it is basically meaningless, and empty.
In The meantime I wish you well Hone
and will be using my vote wisely
Jim Maraku says:
Post Author July 21, 2011 at 1:03 pmKia ora Hone,
last night I attended a Hui in Ratana with a group of people in favor of the principles that you stand for and heard your kaupapa being
delivered in a manner where a quotation from a Morehu News Paper -Te Whetu Marama highlights what has been raised at this website Re:HONE HARAWIRA ON RATANA PROPHECY.
Presenting the delivery of this Quotation was a local Women who tried her best to connect the dots between prophesy and you and what the Ratana Archive team has already recorded in terms of TWRatana – Nga Koata (original maori members of Parliamant) and Their efforts to Ratify Te Tiriti O Waitangi.
As you will appreciate, there are those of us who dis-like the idea of interpretation where a one way view is delivered by a interim group who are both Ratana and non-Ratana while adding too that the delivery of thier korero places Mana Party. at the top of thier List.
Firstly, Thank you for your honesty, and for putting your message out their to the people stating that you’ll just focus on the job at hand.
In the meantime, the Ratana residence who attended the Mana Party Interim Hui
are reminded that you will be in Whanganui soon, of which I hope there will be no repeat of what relates to sensitive issues that has no bearing towards you in terms of connecting the dots with HONE & RATANA PROPHECY.
Jim Maraku says:
Post Author July 23, 2011 at 1:36 pmKia ora Hone,,On Wednesday 20th July, I attended a Hui in Ratana before a group of people in favor of the principles that you stand for and heard your kaupapa being
delivered in a manner where a quotation from a Morehu News Paper -Te Whetu Marama which has been raised at this website Re:HONE HARAWIRA ON RATANA PROPHECY.
Presenting the delivery of this Quotation was a local Women who tried her best to connect the dots between prophesy and you and what the Ratana Archive team has already recorded in terms of TWRatana – Nga Koata (original maori members of Parliamant) and Their efforts to Ratify Te Tiriti O Waitangi.
As you will appreciate, there are those of us who dis-like the idea of interpretation where a one way view is delivered by a interim group who are both Ratana and non-Ratana while adding too that the delivery of thier korero places Mana Party. at the top of thier List.
Firstly, Thank you for your honesty, and for putting your message out their to the people stating that you’ll just focus on the job at hand.
In the meantime, the Ratana residence who attended the Mana Party Interim Hui
are reminded that you will be in Whanganui soon, of which I hope there will be no repeat of what relates to sensitive issues that has no bearing towards you in terms of connecting the dots with HONE & RATANA PROPHECY..Finally,the quotation itself was originally directed to Mete Keepa and the people of Te Aupouri, Maraku is the name of his grandchildren, the same name I carry.