Election Day Rules

Posted on November 25, 2011 by admin in Election 2011, Press Releases

 Kia ora all campaign volunteers,

There are strict rules about what can or cannot be done on election day. If we don’t follow these rules then our candidate and MANA could be referred to the police for prosecution.

The main DONTs are:

  • DON’T deliver or handout letters or pamphlets on election day AT ALL. It is not a good idea to deliver anything into letterboxes after midday on Friday 25th as many people won’t check their letterboxes until Saturday morning. This is VERY IMPORTANT and we must instruct you to follow this rule. 
  • All signs (billboards, placards, flags etc) must come down or be covered up by midnight Friday until 7pm Saturday. If you become aware of a sign being left up please get it down as soon as possible – even just dropping it down to pick up later. (Potaua, Te Hau, Dave & Fenella, Dixie, Opotiki branch, TGA branch) 
  • Parades, flags, stickers and T shirts – anything directly promoting the party or the candidate are not allowed on election day. Only Badges or rosettes with the MANA logo and streamers or ribbons are allowed. This is particularly true around polling places – you will get in trouble!!
    Any written or electronic communication that mentions the candidate’s name or party name. 
  • Texts can be sent but can only remind people to vote. Don’t put the candidate’s name or MANA in the text or anything that might influence who to vote for. 
  • Websites and Facebook pages: Do not change anything on election day (from 12 midnight on Friday). Disabling comments is probably a good idea. Make any changes before midnight and put the date and time the change was made as well. You cannot email, text or message people to direct them to websites on election day either. (Nikolasa/Alan/Te Ringahuia)

What we DO need to do is get all our whanau, friends and supporters to the polling booths on Saturday (or before if possible to advance vote).

For more detailed information about Election day rules visit: