Treaty blocks SOE Sales

Posted on January 30, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

“The Treaty is stopping the government from flogging off the nation’s assets, so they’re gonna throw the Treaty out” claims MANA Leader Hone Harawira.

Section 9 of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 says that the Crown will not act in a manner inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

“Selling off those assets without the approval of Maori is ‘inconsistent’ with the Treaty, so the government has asked Wira Gardiner to whip round the country to get iwi leaders to agree to dump Section 9″

Government has announced a series of hui to consult with Maori on
legislative changes it considers are necessary for the float of minority shareholdings in four State Owned Enterprises. The hui schedule is:

  • 8 February 10.00am Distinction Hotel Rotorua
  • 8 February 3.00pm Waikato Stadium Hamilton
  • 9 February 3.00pm Wanganui Racecourse Wanganui
  • 10 February 9.30am Toll Stadium Whangarei
  • 10 February 3.30pm Novotel Auckland Airport Auckland
  • 14 February 10.00am Waihopai Runaka Murihiku Marae Invercargill
  • 14 February 4.00pm Chateau on the Park Christchurch
  • 15 February 10.00am Emerald Hotel Gisborne
  • 15 February 3.30pm Te Puni Kokiri Wellington

“Most New Zealanders, including most Maori, are opposed to the sale of state assets”

“These sales are not being organised for ‘mom-and-pop New Zealanders’. Once sold, those shares will go on the market to overseas interests whether owned by individuals, groups or iwi, and once sold they will be lost to us forever”.

“So I’m urging Maori to get along to these hui to defend the Treaty, oppose the sale of state assets, and join the fight to ensure that no more of our lands and resources are lost to overseas interests.”


For further information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380