MANA Movement Leadership stands strong behind Internet MANA relationship
Posted on September 1, 2014 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press Releases“There is now, and always will be, a range of views about many issues within our movement and members are free to express them, but Georgina’s views on Kim Dotcom are not shared by the MANA Movement leadership or the vast majority of MANA members and supporters around the country” states MANA Candidate for Waiariki, Annette Sykes.
“Georgina is the MANA Candidate for Te Tai Tonga and not an Internet MANA party list candidate. She only recently came on board MANA and therefore she has not been privy to some of the discussions that the MANA Movement has had with Kim or the Internet Party.”
“The MANA Movement is just that – a movement with a focus on grassroots and for improving the lot for those less fortunate in life. We will continue to work with the Internet Party for the benefit of the people we represent and as we continue to climb in the polls”.
Freida Maverick says:
Post Author September 1, 2014 at 9:35 pmWhat Georgina said on TV3 News tonight was nothing short of sabotage. She must be sacked immediately. The Mana Movement and Internet MANA cannot be seen to be doing exactly what it criticized John Key for not doing – which was not sacking Judith Collins (and others who desperately needed to be sacked and were not).
“Well, who is pulling the strings?” (in awful German accent) “the big man himself.
“His reason for becoming involved in New Zealand politics in the way he has is one of retribution against people who he feels has um, slighted him.
“When I start seeing the leader starting to forfeit some of his strong held beliefs for the sake of political expediency, I begin to worry”.
SACK her! Don’t hesitate. It’s exactly what John Key was criticized for – indecisiveness and inaction. This calls for decisive action.
Kim Dotcom tells everyone at every roadshow why he started the Internet Party, to thank NZers for their support.
Hone Harawira and Kim Dotcom tell the story of how they came to an understanding and mutual respect at every roadshow. Georgina would only have had to have attended one roadshow, or watched one online, to understand this. There is no excuse. And there is no excuse for doubting Hone publicly, on national TV. Hone isn’t ‘the leader’ like some commentary on a third party. Hone is OUR leader – primarily BECAUSE of his principled integrity – and we won’t allow people to talk like that about him – and certainly not a member of his own team! SACK her now!!!
Sue smith says:
Post Author September 1, 2014 at 9:42 pmGood on you Georgina go girl finally someone recognizes the emperor has no clothes !
Paul says:
Post Author September 1, 2014 at 9:45 pmEver evolving on the hope that more money flows down from the “Visionary”.
Georgina Beyer has called it square on this. Unbiased and seeing the truth behind the curtain.
Pat O’Dea says:
Post Author September 2, 2014 at 6:00 amI beg to disagree, while I have a lot of respect for Georgina Beyer, she has been out of the loop and so is not aware of where the true strength of the relationship lies, and it is not in Kim Dotcom’s money but in a common resistance to injustice.
Joseph says:
Post Author September 2, 2014 at 5:50 pmIf one reads the constitution, one can see that powers are vested in the few, as in a dictatorship. Why did the constitution not vest the power in the collective if the intentions of the founders were pure and good?
Pat O’Dea says:
Post Author September 1, 2014 at 10:02 pmWhen they came for Ahmed Zouie, we weren’t refugees, but we stood with him.
When they came for Tama Iti, we weren’t Tuhoe, but we stood with him.
When they came for Kim Dotcom, we weren’t millionaire German business migrants, but we stood with him.
Because the reactionary forces of darkness and oppression cannot stand against a people united.
John Rothery says:
Post Author September 1, 2014 at 10:35 pmDebate is healthy but this is a distraction.
Voting starts Wednesday.
Pat O’Dea says:
Post Author September 2, 2014 at 9:15 amThe life of a political figure is very different to that of a wealthy and successful business man.
It is good to see Dotcom step up to the plate, to counter all the misrepresentations, and public attacks against him.
Niky says:
Post Author September 2, 2014 at 4:50 pmRelationships SHOULD be ever evolving and should be questioned. Everything to do with politics SHOULD be questioned. It is how we keep them honest. Notice the Government that has the media trained to not question them. Notice their lack of honesty. Georgina should feel free to question. Just a pity that the trained media dogs use it as fodder instead of what it really is.
Steve says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 9:25 amGood on Georgina for having the integrity to speak out.
Internet Mana is a party formed on HATE. The HATE that Dotcom And Harawira have for John Key. Internet Mana was not formed to make New Zealand a better place for Kiwi’s to live, it was born in HATE.
Throughout history this kind of irrational hate has been the catalyst for all kinds of atrocities. In fact you only have to look at Dotcoms Fatherland to see what one mans irrational hate can do.
A vote for Internet Mana is a vote for hate.
Heremaia says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 7:49 pmChanges are happening:
And if the kitchen gets to hot move out.
If a Pom or Irish can ruin the country and you thin k a Finish Blood is about to do the same, well Can’t do worse . What’s your problem.
Anyway, It looks like the FINISH BLOOD is going to do a better job. The other Thieves didn’t do it. So what’s your problem.?
We have a Tangata Whenua Leader who The generation of tomorrow put their trust in, is open to give Him a go or at least work with Him or the other way round.’ What’s your Problem.?
This for a start is a little fruit of “Kotahitanga” mahi tahi. We should all be rejoicing. Try and see fruit good fruit.
To see anything different will attract all kinds of hurt, pain, sickness, confusion, frustration, bitterness anger and you have no one to blame but yourself. It’s a very simple process. Dig out the good and run with that even if it’s a few steps forward. It is forward, even if it is for a season. Everything else has been backwards. Is that where you want to be?. “Well” its not going to happen.
Try and see the good in people who have given up much, jailed, broken families, loss of income, Hammer holes in house, scared out of their wits baby’s, jus ruthless, shot guns pointed at your face get a life. They have eaten the crumbs that fall from your table, so they can achieve more for others. What’s your problem?
So what if “IF” Dot com, is full of bitterness .has he not every right to.? There is a reason for everything, whats the lesson here for you. Accuse and accuse and accuse. Lesson for Dot com is to see if he could better things for all, and if He has to step on toes, they had better move them?.
Change your thinking E Hoa.
Steve says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 9:51 pmNo Problem here. I’m just stating the facts as laid out by the men themselves.
Might I suggest you have a re think as well. Your Tangata Whenua leader is reluctant to agree to Dotcoms demands and has missed major policy announcements. Doesn’t sound like a guy who is happy with his position. Given that Dotcom is trying to stay out of a US jail I would be pretty suspicious of his motives in trying to have a say in the New Zealand Government.
I applaud you for looking for the positive. I hope you are not disappointed.
Matt says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 8:27 pmI’m white as they come, Dutch Scottish heritage. I have a lot of respect for Laila, voted for her in alliance. I would never have cast a vote for a Maori party, don’t use any Te Reo Maori words (well I just did) but I have a lot of respect for anyone willing to stand up against the folly of the pacific trade agreement. Literally having our laws vetoed by the US, I have always voted away from the US way of life where millions of people cannot even visit a doctor, I consider the disbandment of pharmac and the increase in health and prescription bills and the forced import of American crop foods to be a significant risk to the sovereignty of this country. American lobbyists and policy makers are extremely powerful and dangerous people not to be given an inch. Trade is fine, free trade is never really free.
Laila is to be commended for her performance on Campbell tonight and at the moment I’m willing to give you guys a chance, keep up the good work.
kristy louise luke says:
Post Author September 4, 2014 at 7:44 amKiaora whanau,
I am kristy louise luke, im currently twenty five years old.
I aam n the supported living benefit and I volunt eer my time at wakati marae in nelson at kopuawai te kohanga reo o wakatu and been working for seven years.
I would just like to say us Will be getting my party vote as I just been reading your education policy and man I couldn’t be so more happlier with your awesome education policies.
Us are goigng to make are tamariki (children) We happy and also they are going to have a good future and also be successful.
I jus t want One thing could you send a hard copy of your education policy as I would like to tell my whanau (family) and friends your education policy before us get in to governet.
Na Mihi and Thankyou
kristy louise luke
181 Princes drive
Britiana heights
New zealand