The Irresponsible Behaviour of National’s Greed for Oil
Posted on October 19, 2011 by MANA in Press ReleasesMana Party Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate, Tawhai McClutchie is calling for a complete cancellation on oil and gas development in New Zealand.
“Following the grounding of the Reno and subsequent oil spill, you would think the
Government would be reviewing further safety and environmental requirements. Then hold them against the stretched response in Tauranga Moana.”
“You would think National would halt all future oil operations with respect to the oil spill in Tauranga Moana.”
“But what we have in reality is the irresponsible behaviour of National tendering to the highest bidder for more ways to compromise our environment. Their greed is insatiable.”
Tawhai McClutchie says that National’s plan to heavily market to overseas oil exploration companies in Asia, Europe, and America shows alarming signs of a government out of touch with reality on the ground.
“The people of Ikaroa Rawhiti should be concerned with the evidence in Tauranga. We see a Maritime Authority sorely unprepared to deal with oil spills. A government proving that they don’t know how to prevent a spill don’t know how to stop a spill and don’t know how to clean up a spill. And yet they’re planning to sell more oil permits?” said Mr. McClutchie.
Oil exploration permits have been issued to Petrobras within the Raukumara, and Apache and TAG Oil within the Hawkes Bay and the East Coast.
Tawhai McClutchie says all of the permits sit on two active faultlines that cut through the Ikaroa Rawhiti. “If there is an oil spill from any proposed well site, contamination of the shorelines and coastal communities in Hicks Bay, Te Araroa, Tokomaru Bay, Tolaga Bay, Mahia, Gisborne, and Napier will put whanau and the fishing industry at risk.”
“Tauranga Moana needs to be a wake-up call. Our country should be developing more widespread, community-based sustainable energy alternatives. Not only does it behove this country’s clean, green image, such sustainable energy alternatives help break our habit of oil dependence, puts power back into our people’s hands, and it is healthier for the environment and wildlife. All future oil operations must stop.”
Mary Brown says:
Post Author October 19, 2011 at 3:20 pmHon Keys, is not just greedy, this being secondary to the main problem, he’s as thick as 2 planks. There is no more oil, which is why Asia, Eu and US are looking here, those three together reek heavily of the UN. The Middle East has 56% of the worlds oil reserves, Saudi Arabia being the biggest owner at 264 bbl, Iran Iraq and Kuwait being the next biggest owners of reserve (doesn’t that smell like a ‘good ole boy’ catfish’s fishyness coincidentally, if you catch my drift). Then comes North America with 16%, then Africa 9%, the Central and South America 8%, then Eurasia with 7%.
Greed is secondary, I believe he’s being pressured, lets face it, he’d be easily intimidated by those 3 reeking countries particularly the US who are pushing for a one world order, and have plenty of practice bullying people for their oil among other things…. the greed factor would kick in when he’s dealing with China again lets face it Yanks got no lunch money, China’s got plenty…..
I believe the Ywanks, will push for a one world government so the resources of the world are pooled and controlled by whom ever is in charge……..I’ll give you one guess who that will be… and so, ‘he’ who is so good at keeping secrets will know this, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why, he’s selling out our waters…. he’s been given the ‘hard sell talking too’ by the Ywanks, Economic Jackals no doubt, “Now, here’s the thing John, its gonna happen, only a matter of time, better to be one of us when it goes down, and all of us are making sacrifices, the wells are dry…. its got to be done”….. and Hon Keys, being a wannabe, greed munger, anti humanist will take it. Cross eyed confused pri_k that he is.
He knows something we don’t, I bet my bottom dollar, sh..t, I’ll have to make that 20c….. sorry all I got. Take the money and run Hon Keys…….
Mary Brown says:
Post Author October 19, 2011 at 3:30 pmSo yes I agree with Tawhai, alternative energy strategies need to be invented, just as an alternative economy system to counter the Debt Based Economy System that was invented in 1913 on Jeckel Island, US, with the deliberate initiative to create World Wide impoverishment….. its all got to go if we want to sustain. We have to wake up and face it, capitalism hasn’t worked……….HELLO!!!