New Zealand troops should withdraw from “insane” war

Posted on September 26, 2011 by MANA in John Minto, Press Releases

MANA’s foreign affairs spokesperson John Minto says the view of prominent Pakistani politician and former cricket captain Imran Khan that New Zealand is involved in an “insane” war in Afghanistan should prompt an urgent reappraisal by our government and withdrawal of New Zealand troops.

On Television New Zealand’s Q and A yesterday Imran Khan said –

  • New Zealand Prime Minister John Key does not understand Afghanistan.
  • Foreign intervention is making the situation worse by radicalising the population against foreign invaders.
  • Foreign invaders are losing and will lose this “insane” war.
  • There is no military solution in Afghanistan.

Mr Minto says that MANA agrees with Imran Khan’s view that New Zealand troops are part of the problem in Afganistan.

“We are simply propping up an illegitimate regime of warlords, drug barons and corrupt politicians. Our troops are put at risk not to fight terrorism but because of a slavish desire to ingratiate ourselves with the US – the world’s foremost imperial power.

Mr Minto says “Insane” is an accurate description of New Zealand foreign policy under our obsequious Foreign Minister Murray McCully and our “smiling assassin” Prime Minister John Key.

“The Labour government sent troops to fight in Afghanistan a decade ago and this has become our longest running foreign intervention ever. The longer we stay the greater the problem we create.

“The New Zealand public realises this and the majority now want our troops home. Labour finally agrees and National should follow suit immediately,” Mr Minto says.

John Minto

Foreign Affairs spokesperson