National and Labour’s TOP 10

National and Labour’s TOP 10

Posted on November 17, 2011 by MANA in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

Labour top-tenned National and National fired back but MANA reckons they’re both equally guilty. Here’s our Top 10 Crimes of the Millennium.

Labour opened our country up to foreign interests taking over our resources. National trumped that with their deep sea oil disaster and their foolish attempt to mine conservation land.

Both Labour and National have signed deals allowing foreign interests to sue the NZ govt, force us to lower our wages, and dominate our sovereignty

Labour’s bill was the greatest single land confiscation in the history of New Zealand. National’s version just changed the name.

Labour introduced it, National increased it and Labour won’t take it off.

Labour reduced the state housing programme during their term in office, and National is selling off what’s left to slumlords who charge people an arm and two legs for the privilege of renting a dump.

Labour launched the botched terrorism raids on Tuhoe, and National followed it up by passing legislation to take DNA from anyone, and letting police break into our homes and plant cameras wherever they want.

200,000 children were not getting enough to eat every day under Labour. National topped that; the figure is now 270,000! Labour’s tax regime discriminated against the children of the poor, and National’s cuts in welfare and employment programmes have made things even worse.

Labour started a prison building programme that saw new prisons filled even before they’d been finished. National has taken it to an even lower level by putting prisoners into containers, and handing prisons over to private companies to be run for profit rather than for rehabilitation.

Under both Labour and National, Maori and Pasifika continue to occupy all the highlights in all the wrong areas – highest unemployment, highest education failure rates, lowest socio-economic status, highest arrest, conviction and incarceration rates, worst health and poorest housing.

Both National and Labour refuse to accept what European countries and a gathering of 1000 Economic Professors have confirmed – unless a Financial Transaction Tax is introduced so that the rich pay their share and the poor are lifted out of poverty, western economies (including ours) will crash big time. Go Hone Heke!

And the winner is … Labour and National … because they have been able to convince the country to vote for either the devils in blue or the devils in red, every 3 years.

Now that we know the score, I suspect a lot of people are going to rethink where there votes go this election day

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