MPs pay rise outrageous says prospective MANA MP

MPs pay rise outrageous says prospective MANA MP

Posted on November 17, 2011 by MANA in John Minto, Press Releases

MANA’s candidate for Manukau East John Minto says the 5% pay rise for MPs announced this morning is an outrage.

“While working New Zealanders are struggling to get any increase in pay this year our MPs are set to receive an extra $7000pa.”

The government is very fond of telling us we are living in tough economic times, that we must make sacrifices, cut government spending and reduce public services. They tell us in tough economic times we must pull our belts tighter.

“However they are loosening their own belts by a couple of notches.

“Since the 1980s MPs have received increased which have leveraged them into the top 2% of taxpayers – this latest increase could well put backbench MPs into the top 1% where cabinet ministers are already placed”.

Mr Minto says politicians should be leading by example and taking wage cuts in tough times.

For Further comment John Minto 021 447067