MANA Supports Students

Posted on September 28, 2011 by MANA in John Minto, Press Releases

Education spokesperson John Minto says the direct action being taken by students around the country against measures which will wreck havoc to their student union organization has the full backing of MANA.

Mr Minto says this time of the year is an extremely busy time for the students and the fact that they are prepared to drop their studies to oppose the ACT led Freedom of Association Bill due for its final reading in parliament tomorrow shows the seriousness with which they view the measure.

“When an estimated 500 Auckland University students occupy a campus building, and others around the country hold protest rallies, it is not a light-hearted action. We congratulate them for standing up to be counted.

“The government for its own narrow-minded political reasons has steadfastly refused to listen to their pleas that the measure will wreck their union and destroy the support network it has provided to students down through the generations.”

Mr Minto says may be the children of the rich ACT and National supporters who have received massive tax breaks don’t need a union to stands up for them to get a fair deal but ordinary hard working students do.

He says all New Zealanders who have benefitted from having strong student unions and State assistance to get their qualifications should make their voice in support of today’s students heard loudly and clearly.

“This is not just an issue for the current batch of students but for future generations of young New Zealanders whose ability to get assistance to study will be seriously jeopardised if the power of the students union to represent them is broken through voluntary unionism.”

Mr Minto says he will personally be investigating the circumstance behind the arrest of a MANA supporter arrested during yesterday’s protest at Auckland university and is calling for his immediate release from custody.

“People like myself and other MANA leaders know exactly what it is like to be arrested during demonstrations and we stand solidly behind his and other students right to protest.”

Mr Minto says university administrators who have criticised the students for their actions should in fact be supporting them.

“The students are quite right in claiming the university belongs to them, not the administrators who run the show. They should get right behind the students because the government’s attack on the students is an attack on education itself.”

He says students expected to rally at parliament tomorrow have MANA’s full backing.


John Minto 021 447067


Peter Verschaffelt 0221055044 (Media Liaison)