MANA Supports Auckland Uni Students

Posted on September 28, 2011 by MANA in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

MANA Leader Hone Harawira says the actions of Auckland University Students who have barricaded themselves in a management studies building are understandable.

Mr Harawira says government moves to make student membership voluntary will destroy students bargaining power.

“Many Maori students in particular benefit hugely from the student union which provides them with needed assistance in making transition between school and university.”

“With the union powerless as the government wants these students ability to function and achieve at tertiary level will be severely affected.”

Mr Harawira says the students have MANA support in their struggle to retain their union and all it represents.


For Further information

Hone Harawira 021 865 372


Peter Verschaffelt 021 1055044