Make a Stand Te Ururoa! Fight Fracking!

Posted on November 16, 2011 by MANA in Annette Sykes, Press Releases

The Member of Parliament for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell, needs to state that he will not support a future National and ACT Government because they continue to support the unsafe practise of fracking during the process of exploring for oil, says MANA Party Candidate Annette Sykes.

“It has been banned in South Africa, France and parts of Australia for two reasons – because it can contaminate drinking water and because it can cause earthquakes when conducted near fault lines.

“This hasn’t even been denied by the experts in the field and I would have thought given our country’s heartbreak over the Christchurch earthquakes and increased seismic activity elsewhere, this would be the last practise any political party in this country would support.

“Fracking is when chemicals are injected at extreme pressure to crack open rocks. It causes destruction to Papatuanuku and poses all sorts of environmental hazards.

“That is why Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngati Porou remain opposed to the dangerous procedure. That is why MANA supports the National Day of Action against Fracking that culminates in a protest outside Parliament at noon today.

“What annoys me is that Te Ururoa has heard the cries for help from Iwi he represents in Parliament and yet when push comes to shove he isn’t willing to back his words with the strongest action possible.

“Te Ururoa make a principled stand and tell National and ACT that the Maori Party will not support a future relationship with them if they continue to support fracking.

“Why risk contaminating our water, why should the possibility of an earthquake be risked, why lie down when our food cupboards could be stripped bare from being polluted? This is a bottom-line issue and one that your constituents have told you not to take a backward step on. Make a stand Te Ururoa.”

For further comment please contact Te Ringahuia Hata on 021 236 0931