Harawira calls for support for banned Samoan Rugby Player
Posted on October 6, 2011 by MANA in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“Hands up those who think the IRB is a bunch of mean-spirited old farts who
use rugby to make heaps of money, and pound anyone for daring to criticise
them,” said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira, when told about the
IRB decision to suspend Samoan rugby player Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu for
missing a judiciary hearing.
Harawira said that most Kiwis “and every Pacific Islander I’ve spoken to”
agreed with Sapolu’s criticism of the IRB’s match scheduling and unfair
demands on the tier-two nations during the Rugby World Cup.
“You only have to look at what’s been happening to see the bias” said
“England gets caught cheating (twice) and nothing happens to them, but a
Samoan gets whacked $10,000 for wearing mouthguard with the wrong words on
“England players get on the booze and bring the RWC into disrepute and
nothing happens to them, but a Samoan rugby player gets hauled before the
IRB for daring to say what every Pacific Island player is thinking”
“Rugby commentators criticise the referee for favouring South Africa and
nothing happens to them, but a Samoan rugby player has to front the IRB for
saying the same thing.”
Harawira said that Sapolu may not have used the most polite and proper
words, but said that Sapolu was no fool.
“He’s a qualified lawyer and an articulate man, he’s passionate about his
sport, and what he said rings true in the hearts of all New Zealanders who
hate seeing the little guys cop it from big bullies, particularly bullies
from the northern hemisphere.”
Harawira said the game was going brown and the sooner the IRB took steps to
recognise and value the contribution of Polynesian rugby nations and
players, the better off the sport would be.
“And when I say Polynesian, I also refer also to Maori players who have been
treated badly themselves by the rugby fraternity here over the generations
as well.
“I congratulate Sapolu for his honesty and his courage, and I offer him the
support of the MANA Movement in any appeal he may want to launch against the
IRB’s ridiculous ban,” said Mr Harawira.
“I sincerely hope that other Kiwis will also write to the IRB demanding that they withdraw the ban, and focus instead on overhauling their antiquated, colonial management structure”
For Further Information:
Hone Harawira 021 865372
Peter Verschaffelt 0221055044
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