Frederick Timutimu to contest Te Tai Hauauru Electorate for MANA

Posted on October 7, 2011 by MANA in Press Releases

Treaty Claims and community advocate Frederick Timutimu, has been confirmed by Mana Movement’s National Executive as MANA’s candidate for the Te Tai Hauauru electorate.

Every branch in the Te Tai Hauauru electorate endorsed Frederick’s candidacy.

Affiliated with Nga Tamariki o Te Kohu and Ngati Raukawa Iwi, Frederick was educated at St Stephen’s College. He went on to a stellar career as an academic, but he is proudest of his Secondary School Level Diploma in Teaching.

You can catch a glimpse of Frederick’s passion for our younger people in these lines from his
song “Aotearoa”:

“I believe that the children are our future now…
The most precious of all things…
The Oneness of Spirituality, Energy, and Innocence…

Handed down to us by our Tipuna to treasure and protect.”

Frederick is also a singer-song writer of Maori folk music, has tutored kapa haka groups, and has coordinated many wananga.

Among his many other achievements Frederick is a Licensed Maori Interpreter – a qualification he uses extensively when working with the Maori Land Court. Frederick has been involved with communityactivities over many years, helping marae, health groups, kohanga reo and facilitating safer communities.

He is currently working with fourteen groups involved in Treaty Claims, with a focus on Native Land Claims.
Frederick’s vision for MANA is best summed up with his self-coined catchphrase – “MANA – Making A New Age”.

He intends sharing his vision with everyone in the Te Tai Hauauru Maori Electorate and associated
General Electorates over the coming weeks, months, and years.

Frederick says that the MANA Movement wont stop with the election on November 26th.

“It is another part of an ongoing movement. A movement that will help grow our children into great leaders. A movement providing all New Zealanders with a new way forward. A movement by the People, For The People. New Zealander’s MANA Movement”.

For Further Information: (Photo available on request)

Frederick Timutimu 027-758 5736
Peter Verschaffelt 0221055044

EMAIL: [email protected]