This week’s activities
Posted on June 9, 2011 by MANA in KoreroWatch the Jono Project this Friday night – fun to shoot, should be a laugh.
Caught up with Matt McCarten on Wednesday morning and concalled my Tai Tokerau MANA crew for a progress report – all good.
Did a couple of media interviews, talked with some students at Auckland University about the “Haka Party”, and did a short lecture with some others about ‘racism in the media’.
Then after dropping off my nephew in Whangarei, I drove back to Kaitaia for the night.
Up early Thursday morning and back down to Whangarei for a hui at Northtec with heaps of students and some of the locals from Raumanga.
Did a couple of interviews with Maori radio; then up to Otangarei for another hui and a catch up on the BIG issue – the cost of living.
Then a spot of door-knocking in Tikipunga (all good), over to Onerahi for another hui and then back to Kaitaia for the night.
Friday I’m off to Kaikohe for some street walkin’ and another hui at Kotahitanga.
Saturday I’ll be hittin’ the Kaitaia Fleamarket, attending a Wananga Reo, going to watch my mokopuna play rugby, and then down to Horeke for a very special hui that night at 6pm. If you’re over that way, watch for the flags, and call in!!
tarewa Kingi says:
Post Author June 13, 2011 at 9:27 pmtena koe e Hone,
Ma to tatau ropu a “Mana” e whakaora i a tatau whanau pohara. Kei konei i aua e ahwi ana nga iwi moemoea kaua taka ki raro o nga kaupapa pakeha.