New Party on the Block
Posted on July 15, 2011 by MANA in KoreroOver 200 supporters from around the country converged on Wellington today to support the return of Mana Leader , Hone Harawira to parliament.
Limited seating meant two thirds had to wait outside during the swearing in ceremony. In 2005, 2008 and again in 2011 Hone has pledged this same commitment to Tai Tokerau as the kaitiaki of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. But today Lockwood Smith intervened and ejected Hone from the chamber- a reminder to Maori, that the white boys colonial club set the rules. When you enter his house you must play the game- but never play the game better than the master.
Mana as the new kid on the block has been suspended on his first day at school. Maori Boy is too uppity. Accordingly, he was punished for his boldness to establish a new party using due process of the Electoral Commission.
Have you ever wondered why parliamentarians swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and her children; but do not pledge that same commitment to the children of Aotearoa.
Today signalled a day of shame for the career of Lockwood Smith and parliamentary rules. What would have taken 5 minutes, has now sent ripples throughout the country. Go home Maori Boy- come back another day on August 2nd – but return less uppity. Ironically, Hone was rejected for not swearing correctly. Maori Boy can’t win.
What the white boys club need to know- you kick Maori Boy too many times, the quiet Maori who don’t really give a stuff about politics- may not like Maori Boy- but when there are too many put downs- well they instantly connect to Maori Boy – no matter what.
E Ko
Hone Te Rire says:
Post Author July 15, 2011 at 9:29 amBeing kicked out of class for being a naughty Maori boy is not unusual. It something that hapened to us in years gone by and continues now. What’s new? Well what is new is that an uppity Maori boy has said enough is enough, which has shocked the White boys club. I applaude Hone for being up-front, up-right and true to the people of Aotearoa, Maori, Tauiwi. Kia kaha. We will all stand together with Righteousness for the people.
Graham says:
Post Author July 15, 2011 at 11:47 amRight behind you Hone. This is one pakeha [ sure there are others ] that agrees with the comments you have just made above. Parliament is without doubt old white boys club and not one of its members have an ounce of human values preferring to eat cake and lick the arse of the money men. And, isn’t it interesting that they still continue to talk about ” the law” and never consider justice, equity, and human values?
As a sort of side bar to all this, I attended a symposium run by the Heart Foundation a couple of days ago. Professor Sir Michael Marmot , atypically not part of the establishment cartels and a critic of current political practices internationally that create and sustain inequality, whore to the money masters, stated that politicans and white mens political parties never accept evidence that confirms anything that is not within the orbit of their own ideology. How very true of the mainstream parties in Aotearoa.
We need you to succeed more than ever Hone. May the Force be with you.
shane nweton says:
Post Author July 15, 2011 at 4:23 pmgraham you are away with the fairys in lala land may the whites kick your ass
Mary Brown says:
Post Author July 28, 2011 at 10:29 pmFully agree Graham, Hone is the only polytician that is talking about the unrealistic and rising food prices, he’s the only one talking about the growing homeless and impoverished. He’s got to continue no matter what. Keys is of the western israeli elk, (he keeps his Jewish faith very quiet) wonder why? When America’s economy falls anyday now, OMG, will the rest of the world feel it. And our lot in the beehive will still have their heads in the sand, and still be talking about how we can claw our economy back and staying involved and buisness and creating more money and money money money …. WAKE UP!.. we should be talking about non capitalist, non consumerism, and the beginnings of a new society that exists without profit and concentrates on inter relationships with each other, the land and its inhabitants, instead of this draconian, obviously failing Debt Based Economy, that was invented by a small group of white men to make them rich and everyone else poor. The Reserve Bank/ The World Reserve Bank, will only ever cause impoverishment, thats how its economy system works. Based on being in debt by all who want to participate. We all must come to terms with materialism and what it means to us. How we are given examples everyday of how to put money before people and our earth. Wake up NZ…..
Graham says:
Post Author July 16, 2011 at 1:58 pmOn thinking about Hones ejection from Parliament over the oath, I am struck by the whole carnival like histrionics of the current system and the basis of its fundamental sophistory.. Here we have a man, a Maori man, who is saying, and here I am paraphrasing, that he will give allegiance to the Treaty and to those humans he represents and any other marginalised, dispossessed and alienated. This was an addition to the established oath as I understand it. The question I ask myself is , what’s wrong with that additional oath? Is it really against the law?? Probably is in the strict white mans structural-functional sense but, for heavens sake Hone didn’t transgress the law but just added to it. And, the roof didn’t fall in. No one died for Gods sake. I suggest that what Hone did was honourable, decent and courageous and, frankly, I don’t think the Queen would have been the least bit upset.
Graham says:
Post Author July 16, 2011 at 7:38 pmSee Te Ururoa Flavell’s statement at:
Cyprian says:
Post Author July 18, 2011 at 12:30 amI am in total favour of the Treaty but I honesty believe we need a new document eg constitution that encompases the treaty and also all our basic human rights and needs. I think this should definately be part of the mana manifesto, or at least discussed what do you think? We need to bring these issues into the 21st century just as many countries have done with their indigenous peoples rights, passing progressive laws that make the old ones look stagnant
tarewa Kingi says:
Post Author July 18, 2011 at 9:16 pmTena koutou katoa,
It didn’t supprise me what transpired in “the house of shame” other maori mp’s just sat there and watched our tupuna get trampled under the stamped of arrogance. Kia kaha tatou ma!
Vicky says:
Post Author July 19, 2011 at 4:55 pml came to NZ 2 years ago from Europe, for which l had to rent my apartment. The tenant and l (the owner) signed a contract where he pays me for the use of my home. One day l may want to go back and claim my property. What if the tenant says he’s staying and that he will allow me to lodge in the laundry room at an affordable price? What if everything in the house had to be done in agreeance with his mother? What if all the neighbours and even my relatives did not question his ownership of the place?
l am so tired of the bare-faced hypocrisy displayed by the media, the 2 main political parties, and the academic world. Their mouths are full of big words, cultural awareness, empowerment, Maori traditions and health; the Maori are soo important to us… We’ll give them a bit of this and that (money is a known pacifier), we will make them dependent of our way of life, we’ll praise their achievements and how well they integrate in the society of those who invaded them.
A more honest approach to colonization would be: “Those people were savages still living in the Stone Age. We gave them clothes, laws, machines, cattle, proper education, a religion, medicine and a queen. What are they complaining about?”
It appears to me that Hone Harawira is a shocked home owner who sees what 99% of his neighbours cannot see: the obvious.
Paul Croft says:
Post Author August 8, 2011 at 10:03 amAfter a few decades of realising that most of the institutions incharge of keeping things “fair and just” are so burdened by their own weight and sense of self preservation, that nobody actually lives long enought to see the benefit.of whatever they assert they do. Tne “ride” becomes more important than the “arrival”
I was active in promoting worker rights in the telecon industry through the EMU (the “P” is silent! ) and defending even the most basic rights there, despite membership in “the biggest private sector union in the country” turned out to be an exercise that proved mostly fruitless and definitely dangerous once you got anywhere near the rotten centre where the accommodations were taking place.
I identify very much with Hone. The bullshit is up to our knees, and the very last right I too will give up, is the right to recognise and then pronounce bullshit where identifed.
We need to speak the truth. THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES ON!
Today I hear we are going to have a STUDY to see why NZ preschool children are needing their teeth surgically removed due to rot.!
Is this seriously being discussed? Am I going crazy? A STUDY!?
I am now officially ashamed to be a New Zealander.
Sign me up please.
Gaille says:
Post Author August 8, 2011 at 12:12 pmAnd so where is the apology i have no infact I can confidently say see thats is why lots of people dont vote because they beleive they that they just encourage the rougs theives and vagabonds and we need Hone and his merry keepers in there to get them honest or out
What a team already Hone and great idea going general I have alot of migrant and pakeha friends who want to know if they can vote for the Mana Party. Look out Te Ururoa your days are number you secure Maori.
Gaille says:
Post Author August 8, 2011 at 12:14 pmSuck I need glasses I cant see a thing Im righting hope you all get what I was trying to say.