New Party on the Block

New Party on the Block

Posted on July 15, 2011 by MANA in Korero

Over 200 supporters from around the country converged on Wellington today to support the return of Mana Leader , Hone Harawira to parliament.

Limited seating meant two thirds had to wait outside during the swearing in ceremony. In 2005, 2008 and again in 2011 Hone has pledged this same commitment to Tai Tokerau as the kaitiaki of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. But today Lockwood Smith intervened and ejected Hone from the chamber- a reminder to Maori, that the white boys colonial club set the rules. When you enter his house you must play the game- but never play the game better than the master.

Mana as the new kid on the block has been suspended on his first day at school. Maori Boy is too uppity. Accordingly, he was punished for his boldness to establish a new party using due process of the Electoral Commission.

Have you ever wondered why parliamentarians swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and her children; but do not pledge that same commitment to the children of Aotearoa.

Today signalled a day of shame for the career of Lockwood Smith and parliamentary rules. What would have taken 5 minutes, has now sent ripples throughout the country. Go home Maori Boy- come back another day on August 2nd – but return less uppity. Ironically, Hone was rejected for not swearing correctly. Maori Boy can’t win.

What the white boys club need to know- you kick Maori Boy too many times, the quiet Maori who don’t really give a stuff about politics- may not like Maori Boy- but when there are too many put downs- well they instantly connect to Maori Boy – no matter what.

E Ko