Hone’s Diary | 13 June 2011

Hone’s Diary | 13 June 2011

Posted on June 13, 2011 by MANA in Korero

Had to skip my niece’s birthday in Horeke Sat night because I’d accepted a request to do Q+A the next day, so I had to reshuffle my schedule to attend the Mormon Stake Conference in Kaikohe on the Saturday night instead of the Sunday, and I’m glad I did.

Way different from Destiny, but when you strip away the structure of different religions, the principles are all basically the same – honour your god(s), protect and care for your whanau, and lay down good guidelines for your mokopuna.

Q+A was a bit squeezed this morning – no time for a proper debate of the issues – but it went OK.

Caught up with a few MANA voters downtown, then picked up my boy who’s off to Scotland next week, and we all headed back up north.

Talked to a crew in Whangarei about environmental issues up Ahipara, and picked up a whole bunch of tautoko just crossin’ the carpark!

Out on the streets in Kaikohe Monday afternoon and NATIVE AFFAIRS Monday night; should be a packed house and hopefully a good debate.

The Herald’s trailing me out to Panguru on Tuesday, then it’s back down to Aucks for TE TEPU on Wed morning.