Press Releases
Davis backs National
Posted on November 17, 2011 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“I wonder whether Phil Goff knows what Kelvin’s up to?” said Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira, on being asked whether he knew that Labour’s Kelvin Davis was promoting the Maori Party, instead of Labour policy. “Mind you, I don’t suppose Kelvin…
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Glen Innes protest, Thursday 17 November
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Events, Kereama PeneThe media is asked to attend and cover a protest march being organised tomorrow by MANA Tamaki Makaurau candidate Kereame Pene in support of the Glen Innes community and Housing NZ Tenants being mistreated. Details: THURSDAY 17 NOVEMBER 2011, 11:30 AM TAMAKI MAKAURAU…
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Drug and alcohol test cabinet before beneficiaries
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesMANA leader Hone Harawira says John Key should test his cabinet for drugs and alcohol before he starts taking away the benefits of welfare beneficiaries as he is threatening to do. “With due respect to beneficiaries an alcohol or drug impaired…
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Maori Party Ignores Maori Women’s Welfare League
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Press ReleasesMANA Party candidate Annette Sykes says Whanau Ora now runs the risk of not achieving what it set out to do. “It is well documented that the flagship policy of the Maori Party was going to cost $1billion dollars if it…
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Make a Stand Te Ururoa! Fight Fracking!
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press ReleasesThe Member of Parliament for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell, needs to state that he will not support a future National and ACT Government because they continue to support the unsafe practise of fracking during the process of exploring for oil,…
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Vote for who you believe will best represent your interests
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press ReleasesMANA Party candidate Annette Sykes says the Maori Party and Te Ururoa Flavell are telling Waiariki voters to give your electorate vote to him and to give your party vote to MANA. “Our people need to think who will be the…
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Greensill calls for independent inquiry into the dangers of fracking
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Angeline Greensill, Press ReleasesAngeline Greensill, MANA spokesperson for the Environment supports Gisborne councillor Manu Caddies call for the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment to undertake an independent inquiry into fracking, before its use in New Zealand becomes widespread. “The problem with fracking” says Greensill…
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Mana spokesperson nominated: Angeline Greensill
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Angeline Greensill, Press ReleasesAngeline Ngahina Greensill, lecturer and political and environmental activist has been announced as the MANA spokesperson for the Environment. “Angeline is passionate about preserving our natural environment and keeping it pollution free for our successive generations” says Mereaira Hata, Campaign Manager…
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Tolley rides roughshod over children with special needs
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesMANA is calling on the Minister of Education Anne Tolley to withdraw Ministry threats to close special needs units attached to schools. Currently under threat are units at Ranui School in West Auckland and Takapuna Primary School on Auckland’s North Shore…
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MANA – the only party talking about saving money
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesLabour and National have both put out meaningless lists of the others political and economic crimes but these are meaningless political gestures from two parties that have more in common than coke and pepsi. Here is a list from MANA that…
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