Drug and alcohol test cabinet before beneficiaries
Posted on November 16, 2011 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesMANA leader Hone Harawira says John Key should test his cabinet for drugs and alcohol before he starts taking away the benefits of welfare beneficiaries as he is threatening to do.
“With due respect to beneficiaries an alcohol or drug impaired minister is in a position to do a lot more serious damage than a beneficiary smoking a joint,” Mr Harawira said.
“Yet Mr Key would see attacking beneficiaries as his priority. It just shows how desperate he is becoming to drum up redneck support.
“But to use beneficiaries who are already under huge pressure as a ‘whipping boy’ shows how low he is prepared to go in his attempt to hang onto power.”
He says John Keys latest suggestion of taking away beneficiaries payment because of testing by a third party raises the very serious specter of just how far this government will go with its attack on beneficiaries.
“The next thing I suspect is that he will be proposing taking beneficiaries DNA on the grounds that he needs to identify them.
“MANA has strongly opposed the taking of DNA when a person is arrested but before they are found guilty on the grounds that it will help in catching criminals.
“Well the way this government is looking for every excuse to attack beneficiaries I wouldn’t be surprised to see them chomping out similar arguments for those on welfare benefits.”
Mr Harawira said the inconsistency of Mr Key getting in a fit that his rights might have been infringed when his public conversation was recorded but not giving a toss for beneficiaries rights must be clear for all to see.
- Hone Harawira 021 865372
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