Te Ikaroa Rawhiti – Tawhai McClutchie

Te Ikaroa Rawhiti – Tawhai McClutchie

Posted on October 16, 2011 by MANA in Mana Candidate Profiles

Tawhai McClutchie

Mana Movement get in behind Tawhai McClutchie for the Maori Seat of Te Ikaroa Rawhiti!

Mana Party members and whanau across Te Ikaroa Rawhiti are standing beside Tawhai McClutchie in support of his campaign for the Maori Seat of Te Ikaroa Rawhiti Electorate. Led by the Mana Party’s Head Branch of Te Ikaroa Rawhiti, Te Mana o Kahungungu, and Tawhai’s own Branch in Ruatorea, Mr. McClutchie’s campaign is launching an effort to raise the awareness of the Mana Party values, especially within the issues of environmental, employment, and social wellbeing- matters very close to Mr. McClutchie’s heart.

“In this difficult economic climate, Tawhai presents a fresh, compassionate perspective on the hardships facing Maori and New Zealanders across Te Ikaroa Rawhiti,” said Huia Huata, the Chair of Te Mana o Kahungungu. “We are very excited to stand and march proudly beside Tawhai during his run for the Ikaroa Rawhiti Seat.”

Tawhai McClutchie of Ngati Porou was born, raised, and educated in Ruatoria. His 15 years working on deepsea oil rigs has given him witness first-hand to the devastation of the oil rigs and has made him against all drilling in Te Raukumara and the Hawkes Bay. “When I was young I worked on oil rigs around the world and here. I worked on the Maui A in Taranaki so I know all about pollution from oil drilling. This National Government has no idea what it’s getting us all into with drilling. So we have no choice but to lead a peoples’ fight to stop drilling off our coastline,” said Mr. McClutchie.

Tawhai has spent his life working within the environment and amongst Maori, upon which he believes the two are closely linked, and where Mana Party offer answers to current problems.

“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more convinced that the way to grow and collect kai is to do it by the Matariki and the Maramatanga (Maori lunar calendar). This is organics with Tikanga Maori (Maori customs & tradition) and a thousand years of reading nature. In other words, Maori Organics. My company East Coast Organics was among the first to get into bee keeping and produce Manuka Honey using the Matariki and Maramatanga. I developed the Maori Standards for Organic Bee Keeping. And Mana’s Policy to promote and resource fund organic and hua parakore (Tikanga Maori system of food production) is a policy I believe can give people independence upon their own land and uplift Maori communities in these hard times.”

“I believe our people deserve better than the National and Maori Party led Government. I’m on the ground in Ruatoria with our people so I know what we’re all going through. I will be working further with our people throughout Te Ikaroa Rawhiti. Our wellbeing is my utmost goal toward a better future,” said Mr. McClutchie.