Napier – Rod Paul

Napier – Rod Paul

Posted on October 17, 2011 by MANA in Mana Candidate Profiles

Roderick Paul

Tribal Affiliations

Ngati Kurupakiaka through Ngai Tiakiwai, Rongomaiwahine through Ngai Tu, Ngai Tuhoe, Tu Whare Toa, Ngati Kahungunu and of Irish descent through the Bell Clan.

Growing Up

I was born in Wairoa and raised in working class family.

I attended school in Wairoa and studied in Wellington.

I’ve been employed in many jobs; Poultry Farm, Shearing, Fencing, Meatworks, Kohanga Reo, Residential Social Worker (Epuni) and currently as a part time Radio Presenter.

As a young fellow of 18, I was encouraged by my Father who was a Ratana Minister to support the Labour Party and did so religiously for 20 years as I am sure many Morehu can relate to. Then realized, like National, Labour have done little to improve our circumstances aside from making lots of promises, selling off our Assets, stealing our Land, (seabed and foreshore), the list goes on.

Political Expression

I thought the Maori Party might make some effort, they certainly made promises. But once they got into government, they showed their true intentions.

Hone was the only one that reacted in a way that at least restored some pride/prestige to the name, Maaori and the people of Te Tai Tokerau, he chose to be staunch to his people and assertive in the decision to leave the Maori Party. The People of Te Tai Tokerau, proud they must be, supported him accordingly as he showed he will follow their direction.

I am a humble fellow, from grass roots community and was even more humbled to be asked to represent the Mana Movement and stand as the candidate for the Napier electorate.

Mana means Pride/Prestige. I am not proud of the state of our country. With the rising cost of living impacting mostly blue collar working class families, beneficiaries, and poor members of our communities.

As a New Zealander I am disgusted to hear, that 270,000 children live below the poverty line while 150 of NZ’s wealthiest families earned $7.2 billion, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against diligence in business that creates wealth, but how much of that $7.2billion is taxed and at what level of PAYE, dare I say, not nearly as much as you and I. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

Our children struggle to learn in school, many because they are hungry. Parents are struggling to meet basic needs. Paying the rent,the power bill, transport, food, school fees and uniforms. Are the majority of parents feeling pride in their situations, I think not, I think most would be dissatisfied.

While it may cost up to $38 million to provide free breakfast and lunch to help make all our children happy and healthy,at least the environment of school will be more conducive to learning. Instead government prefers to spend $40million to station troops in Afghanistan while our children go hungry. I ask you, are you proud of our government and how it has treated your family?

Our Youth are our future, they will someday have to deal with the mess we are in. Let us all do something now to at least make our children feel proud, proud enough to bestow Mana upon us for being brave enough to make change. Go online and check out Mana Movement policies and compare them with the others.

Remember… We are the 99%!

Mana is a Movement, not a Party. We are sick of political parties having a “party” at our expense.

Mana is by the people for the people, not just for Maaori but for everybody.

We all have a chance to make change,a chance to restore our pride. So, if you want a better reality,then let’s sweep the floor and sweep National and Labour out the door.

At the upcoming elections vote honesty, vote integrity, vote peace love and harmony.

A vote for PRIDE is a vote for equality.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Join a Mana Branch in your town for a chance to have your say and do things the Mana Way. Whats left,with pride I say I believe in the Mana way “Tick Rod Paul “for your candidate and give Mana your Party vote, lets keep it real so that we all get a better deal, give your tick to MMP.