List Candidate – Tangi Tipene
Posted on October 17, 2011 by MANA in Mana Candidate ProfilesTangi Tipene
Tena koutou katoa. My name is Tangi Sharon Tipene. I am of Whakatohea, Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngai Tai, Tainui and Te Arawa descent on my mothers side and Ngapuhi, Ngati Porou, Rongomaiwahine, Irish, Scottish on my fathers side.
I am a grandmother of 11 and a mother of three boys. My partner and I live in Horohoro, 15 kms from Rotorua.
Most of my life has been working at the grass roots level. I have been privileged to work with our people in the court system as a support person, in their homes when drugs and alcohol has taken control of their whanau. I have been honoured to serve as a tertiary educator first in the PTE system in Rotorua, then as a Tertiary lecturer for 18 years at Waiariki Polytechnic.
In 2007 I became the first Maori to lead a tertiary union and one of the most rewarding achievements was to amalgamate the University union and the Polytechnic union into the Tertiary Education Union. A strong unionist and an advocate for employment rights of all people has been a passion of mine since participating in the Unemployment March in the 80s organized by Sue Bradford.
Education is the key for all people, but my belief is not all education comes from a school or university. The most significant education I had was from my grandmother and mother, who taught me that people are what matter and how to look after them.
You could say I have always had an interest in politics when I realised the law makers have all the power. It is also clear to me that people have power if they are informed and united. MANA is a movement of people who will ensure that the people have the power to make change by informing them of what our government is not doing for our people and giving them the power to speak up. It is time for a change and we can do it united in the belief that people are the power. I would be honoured to work for our people.
Mihirawhiti says:
Post Author October 17, 2011 at 12:49 pmWonderful to read that Tangi Tipene has been selected on this list. Since knowing Tangi I have seen her to be a woman of principle,a woman that can manage herself and has the interest of those she is there to support. She is quick minded, intelligent and witty. Tangi speaks fluent Maaori and I think we all will benefit from this. Her natural talent shines through in a very Maori way – Mother, Grandmother, (and sure to be a great Aunt) Singer … she has what we need to see in parliament. Kia kaha wahine toa, kia ora Jake. na Mihirawhiti