Bradford candidacy announced
Posted on September 15, 2011 by MANA in Election 2011, Mana Candidate ProfilesMANA – Election 2011
Media release Thursday 15 September 2011
The Mana Movement confirmed this morning that Sue Bradford will be standing for them in the upcoming election as a candidate in the Waitakere electorate, and for the party list.
Ms Bradford has also been appointed as Mana’s national spokesperson on Housing and Social Wellbeing, which includes welfare, childrens’, family and community sector issues.
‘I am standing for Mana because it is a movement which is staunch in its support for all low paid workers and beneficiaries – and their children. These are the people with and for whom I’ve been working most of my adult life.’
‘Mana is the most exciting parliamentary political initiative I’ve seen in my lifetime, and I feel honoured to have been invited to be part of it.’
‘I will be doing my best to help build the party vote for Mana in Waitakere and more widely in Auckland and across the country. It is critical that Hone Harawira does not return to Parliament alone.’
‘Mana will be doing everything we can over the next nine weeks to win the constituency and party vote in the Maori seats, and party votes in the general seats.’
Ms Bradford was a Green Party MP for ten years until resigning in October 2009. Since then she has started a PhD in public policy with Marilyn Waring at AUT, as well as being active in a number of community organisations, including Auckland Action Against Poverty.
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