AGM Intro

AGM Intro

[one-half][photoshow][/one-half] [one-half last] On Saturday MANA held its inaugural AGM in Auckland. People came from all round the country, we had a great day and now we’re rolling on to the General Election in November as the free and independent voice for Maori, for workers and for the poor.

If the poor voted for MANA we would win half the seats in parliament. We aim to give them the voice they deserve.

MANA will represent a newer, more honest, and more principled way of doing politics.

We will promote policies that highlight the Treaty as the foundation of our nation, and the basis by which we can provide immediate relief to those in need and long term change that will return the power to ordinary working families.

MANA will represent a newer, more honest, and more principled way of doing politics.
