Dear John, time to answer a few questions… – Harawira
Posted on August 14, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“When Cameron Slater says about Kim Dotcom ‘I have lots on him…death by a thousand cuts…wait till you see what comes out in coming weeks on that fat c***t’, you have to ask whether this is the same Cameron Slater that Prime Minister calls a close friend”, said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira.
“The release of the book Dirty Politics is a game-changer that I sincerely hope results in the current government being voted out of office”, said Harawira. “Questions about secret deals done between nasty and malicious bloggers with direct access to the Prime Minister’s office and their role in undermining the democratic process, demand answers.”
“And although John Key and his cronies want to make this all about Nicky Hager’s credibility, the fact is that Hager is a credible investigative journalist who is meticulous in his work and has never been proven wrong. What this whole ugly episode is about … is dirty politics.”
“Prime Minister John Key himself has spoken often of his closeness to Cameron Slater who is mentioned throughout Dirty Politics for trying to derail my campaign, looking for ‘dirt’ on the Internet Party, and a whole host of attacks against Kim Dotcom, including one rant which reads “I hope the bastard is sweating between his fat rolls…I have lots on him…death by a thousand cuts…wait till you see what comes out in coming weeks on that fat c***t.”
“Really Mr Prime Minister – is this guy Cameron Slater really a close friend of yours? Did you know what your good friend has been up to? Did you approve any of it?”
“Or are you going to let your senior press secretary, Jason Ede, take the hit for all this, because his name keeps cropping up as well.”
“And while we’re dropping names, perhaps you can explain to the public some of the comments attributed to other people closely associated with your office, whose names also crop up throughout Dirty Politics, people like David Farrar who was Publications and Information Manager within the Prime Minister’s Office, Judith Collins who is the current Minister of Justice, ACC and Ethnic Affairs, Jordan Williams, Executive Director of the New Zealand’s Taxpayers Union, and Cameron Slater himself, Whale Oil Blogger, and close friend of the Prime Minister.
“This book is a damming expose on how the Prime Minister’s Office operates, and shows the true side of National’s ‘attack politics’ that gives real weight to the description of Key as the ‘Smiling Assassin’.”
“I congratulate Nicky Hager for showing the country the underbelly of National Party politics, and showing how digging dirt on their opponents has become more important for National than feeding hungry kids or building houses for the homeless.”
Mica says:
Post Author August 17, 2014 at 5:03 pmI really fear for democracy in this country. Why are the press not doing their job and demanding serious answers to serious allegations.
It is simply not good enough letting Key, Collins et al. slide out with character attacks on Hager. There seems to be no serious attempt by the fourth estate to do their job and hold power to account.
Dakta Green says:
Post Author August 19, 2014 at 10:00 amThe pressure builds. The prime minister now has trouble speaking Kim Dotcom … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GRKlxYOwh4
Lorraine says:
Post Author August 19, 2014 at 2:34 pmYes the media are being far too coy.
What I can’t understand is why nobody, but nobody is discussing the TPP Agreement. This has the potential to bring NZ to its knees. Any electoral party which hammered the points home to the public and promised not to sign it would get a lot of votes I would think.
Don Wise T/a Don Juan says:
Post Author August 21, 2014 at 9:49 amWhat I am finding most interesting is the similarity to the scenario being enacted at the moment and what happened in earlier days to C G Scrimgeour [Uncle Scrim] allied with John A Lee who were both fighting on behalf of the people of NZ against the interests of an ideological right wing economic failure,,
What resulted was the ultimate destruction of the careers of both these brave warriors of the people..
There could be considerable benefit to Mana in exploiting this similarity ??
Tony Williams says:
Post Author August 21, 2014 at 10:00 amThat Cameron slater is a slime bag , I tried to submit a comment but apparently my attempt has been blocked by whale oil ,and yet those miscreants can post their comments that are sometime racist and demeaning. I thought they fight for freedom of speech but it’s obvious that their rhetoric is the truth, and when reporters like Campbell and co are branded left wing liars and shit stirrers. Mind it’s no great loss that blog is crap
Marie says:
Post Author August 22, 2014 at 8:21 amTo the article writer: You’ve got it in one and expressed my thoughts better than I could have.
I think the art of true investigative journalism was lost some years ago when either funding was stifled or pressure was put on the media from high places. I remember the days of Brian Edwards, David Exel, and a young Simon Walker who verbally battled with a glowering Muldoon. It was a big loss to the nation when the likes of these people disappeared from the landscape. But it suited the major political parties just fine. So let’s give thanks to Nicky Hagar who bravely walks where few may dare. He’s been battered, bruised and almost crucified for bringing the truth to the people in years past, and yet he still stands tall and is ready to take the snipers’ bullets. NZ is lucky to have him, but many do not yet realise it.
I’ve been fascinated to watch how Key apes the strategies of Muldoon whenever election time comes round or whenever he finds himself in a corner. He’s honed the verbal techniques perfectly, in how to belittle his opponents, lay the blame on his accusers, shaft the opposition parties, pass the ‘blame parcel’, and the ultimate Muldoon tactic which is to throw in the assurance that everyone (meaning all of us out here in Kiwiland) agrees with whatever he happens to be saying. He repeats this formula every time he’s questioned on a new and damning piece of information arising from the book. It’s like a record he’s rehearsed and he just flicks the play button whenever reporters approach him. Glib, smooth, and slippery as an eel. Psychologically shrewd and successful in manipulating a rather naive, and quite gullible population of Kiwis, who can’t see through him and have fallen for his ‘feel good’ factor. I always thought it was an interesting anomaly when, at his first triumphant walk to make his speech as the new PM, he was openly flanked by four security ghouls dressed in very dark suits and wearing poker faces. That remarkable and disturbing image has never left me.