New President for MANA Movement
Posted on July 20, 2014 by admin in Lisa McNab, NewsLisa McNab, MANA President, and Annette Sykes, outgoing MANA President and candidate for Waiariki
Lisa McNab was officially passed the mantle of MANA President in a special ceremony at Potahi Marae in Te Kao this week, following her unanimous election into the role at the recent MANA AGM.
“This is an incredibly exciting time for MANA and to have such a role. There’s such an energy and buzz amongst our people for change. That’s a key focus of MANA right now – to assist our people to get involved to help change the government and herald in a new set of policies to support whanau and communities” said Ms McNab.
Ms NcNab is from Te Paatu, Ngati Kahu, Te Rarawa, and Te Aupouri and has been a long time advocate in Maori health for whanau and hapu and in whanau and community development at the grass-roots.
“There’s no one better for the job” said outgoing President, Annette Sykes. “Lisa has been a great Co-Vice President for the MANA Movement, and will now bring her considerable skills and experience to the role of President.”
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed heading such a dynamic movement for social and political justice and change, but my focus now is on winning the Waiariki seat and joining Hone in Parliament.”
For further information please contact Lisa McNab, (021) 243-2467.
Rowena says:
Post Author July 29, 2014 at 10:16 pmKia Ora Mana!
Can somebody please send me the link to the mana movement venues and times please? There was one today in Rotorua but I missed it
and wanted to know where and when the next couple are so I can make it, even if in Tauranga/Whakatane/Taupo etc ….. I will travel
Thank you and good luck whanau x