Posted on June 20, 2014 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press Releases

Mana candidate for Waiariki Annette Sykes kicks off her Waiariki Bus Tour of her electorate this Saturday 21 June in Tauranga with her campaign team and volunteers.

“I’m looking forward to getting out and about in my electorate this coming week visiting significant waahi tapu and of our whānau and hapu that are being hurt by multi-national companies through local council development plans without proper consultation” Sykes says.

“I have always fought for the people to keep their land, language and own leadership models and I am going to take the war on the poor from the court rooms of this country to the lands and streets and get rid of the national government in Waiariki” Sykes vows.

The Mana bus will visit communities and marae in Tauranga, Whakatane, Taupo, Turangi, Kawerau, Rotorua and Turangi over five days in a coordinated effort to assist the whanau and hapu in the most affected areas hurt by privatisation agendas and organise with them a series of visits by the Internet party leadership in the coming weeks.


For further inquiries contact Te Ringahuia Hata 021 236 0931