MANA – and, or, or not – DOTCOM
Posted on April 9, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesBoth MANA and the Internet Party share goals in common with other parties, like getting rid of National and reining in the GCSB. There are also differences, as there are with other parties as well.
MANA accepted a request to talk to the Internet Party in good faith, and those discussions are continuing, but any alliance must take into account our determination to maintain faith with our kaupapa and with our people.
If after listening to the pros and cons, we choose to walk away from any arrangement with the Internet Party or any other party for that matter, then that is a decision that MANA will make. Mind you, if we choose to enter into an arrangement with the Internet Party or anyone else, that too is a decision for MANA to make.
We will be discussing arrangements with other parties at our AGM this Saturday. I expect that debate to reflect the robust, challenging, bold, and innovative nature of the MANA membership, and I can confirm that it will be the membership and not the leadership, who will make the final decision on any possible arrangements.
We are grateful to the Maori Party for highlighting the pitfalls of badly managed coalitions.
tahi says:
Post Author April 9, 2014 at 6:43 pmmaori are our own worst enemy. too many of our maori leaders are in it for the money, opportunity, prestige, position, fame ect etc. this rot starts at the top and goes all the way down to local governmental institutions and key employment ositions in the community, too many maori become puppets to mainstream philosophy rattling on an on the opinions of their em[loyers (and tv talking heads) to the extent that they themselves become the blockage to progressment of simple fixes that may benefit maori people
go hard e hone
Greg says:
Post Author April 9, 2014 at 8:40 pmYeah good point Tahi and now hone and his fat friend are doing the same, don’t forget Dotcon has been paying his workers less than $8 per hour ripping off the small guy and mana wants to join with this thing, shame on you all.
Māmari says:
Post Author April 9, 2014 at 9:53 pmJust how does portraying Tariana and Pita as kurī lift up MANA’s kaupapa? I might have expected this cartoon in the Herald, or from the pen of Al Nesbet. Hei aha tēnei mahi kangakanga?
admin says:
Post Author April 12, 2014 at 6:43 pmIt actually was a NZ Herald cartoon. We didn’t commission it or make it. It first was posted here > http://liberation.typepad.com/liberation/2012/07/nz-politics-daily-12-july-2012.html in July 2012.
Māmari says:
Post Author April 15, 2014 at 10:01 amSo? Why perpetrate it if you didn’t agree with its portrayal? What difference does it make who commissioned it?
jp says:
Post Author April 9, 2014 at 10:04 pmSeriously – Dotcom, Garreth Morgan and the MANA Movement all in the same room talking together? And in Annette’s backyard? Thats an exciting AGM. I’m a supporter of them all, all for different reasons and this is shaping up as a bit of a dream team for me to be honest. Its like someones reading my mind. I don’t think the GSCB has that technology yet though.
It would be sad if Sue was to bail on the movement. I guess if members were supportive of MANA and I.P working together it would be a test of wether she really can take direction from the people though. Flexibility is crucial to the successful evolution of any movement and this is part of what sets MANA apart from the rest. No other political movement has ever demonstrated this level of potential responsiveness to changing times, technology, philosophy and adversaries.
Mia Joyce (Larsen) says:
Post Author April 11, 2014 at 10:47 amThere is always room for improvements. Remember the blind was leading before lol….John Banks so lets not forget the skull drudgery that Dot.com got caught up in. Hollywood FAR-Q we all know that you are all part of the illuminati so tell us something that Maori do not already know. We have the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge here at the same time as the Mana Party are hosting their Annual Meeting just unfortunate that the Duke was not a part of this up and coming Hui, I’m sure that he knows that we all know who killed his Mother our Queen of Hearts and lest we forget that as well. this is the perfect time for hone to start branching out of his comfort zone and make poor Dot.com feel secure with his stay in Godzone, I mean if we can welcome Allah and it’s followers ito our dieties than I’m sure that Dot.com is only a drop in the ocean. You see Maori are protected and always have been and USA get over it we always will be ! Sorry my Pres but you got alot of cleaning up of your own to do in America wheather you like it or not the truth is out there and we Maori have always known about it….Satan that is….so WAKE UP PEOPLE especially Mr John Keys the truth is now known, Our lord is Gracious and kind and he will never foresake us. Even with a stupid book we got the main one the HOLY BIBLE go figure. Thanks Missionairies.
Jonno says:
Post Author April 12, 2014 at 11:09 amWell, ive always put my vote to Labour the last 35 yrs. However, being part of the disafected in this country i still have not found the Moari party , Mana party and Internet party attractive by themselves at least. Thats just me . However ive been taking interest in Hone the last sev yrs , liking his his straght talking style. The same with Kim dotcom i have wondard if i should give him my vote, afterall hes gave John Banks and John Key something to think about and has been very interesting about the gcsb saga etc. I do believe Dotcom can sort out this countrys internet ?braodband mess. But hes been stopped at all corners. Key wants him out of this country because he knows hes a de stabalizing influence on National ,and Key wants to please his hollywood mates in the USA. That ticks me off. You know what Key is really thinking by what he doesnt say.bottem line, ill give Mana my vote, IF they join up with the Internet party. Its like getting two bangs for your buck.lol. Sue Bradford- over reaction. she must stay, threatening to leave because hes rich? c,mon money is what you need right now love it or loth it, we all buy a lotto ticket dont we.
Greg says:
Post Author April 13, 2014 at 6:02 pmTo the people who are supporting Kim DOtcon this is the real person:
Schmitz was born in 1974 in Kiel, Germany, and grew up in northern Germany. His father piloted the luxury cruise liner “MS Deutschland.” His mother was a chef. He attended a posh boarding school, the Staatliche Internat Schloss Plön, and got his first computer when he was nine. Because gaming software cost too much for him to buy, he figured out how to make illegal copies and went into business selling them to friends for a few marks a piece.
He’s conning you guys, he wasn’t poor he has been a fat rich kid from the start.
Mare says:
Post Author April 13, 2014 at 7:41 pmKia Ora Greg,
Im with you on that, this man is conning us all. How is he even allowed to be a N.Z Resident.
This person will use our MANA and AROHA for his own purpose, as a huge amount do, but maori will not benefit.
Maori do not need Foreigners, and questionable ones at that, to fight for us we do it ourselves.
Who knows anything about this man apart from what he is blerting out, sorry to say i would have John Key any day, a New Zealander.
Sean Moore says:
Post Author April 14, 2014 at 8:45 pmI think it’s worth a shot to give this alliance a chance. Our dear leader Kim Jon Key has had how many terms to get it right now?
Sorry but he’s just playing us all for fools by pulling out the ad hominem attacks on Kim Dotcom.
I reckon take it all in and vote your conscience.
Anita says:
Post Author July 3, 2014 at 3:39 pmI am not sure how safe a vote for Internet Mana will be and I haven’t yet decided on who to give my vote too but I am going to tread carefully, very carefully.
Look what happened in the USA when everyone voted in Obama. Now there is evidence that the Republicans and the Democrats are actually working together and it didn’t matter who won there would be the same agenda.
This agenda is now here in Aotearoa/NZ and the same thing will happen here.
Obama and all that is involved with him are slowly but surely taking control of us and look what he’s done to his people.
If there is any large movement of US citizens or personal of any sort into NZ then you can be sure there is something going on.
We need to look at the BIGGER picture and what we CANNOT see. What is going on behind and in front of us.
Only the rich will vote for National and those who are sucked in by all his publicity but, wake up!
Most of us will never be as rich or so-called as popular as John Key and we need to think what is good for each of us at our level, not his. He sells himself well but he will fall, because there is a God.