Rotorua to Host Mana Movement AGM

Posted on March 12, 2014 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press Releases

The heartland of the Waiariki electorate, Rotorua, will host the upcoming MANA Movement’s AGM on 11-13 April.

“Recent attacks by John Key on Hone Harawira regarding his trip to Mandela’s funeral and leave from Parliament have proved to be hit for MANA, with many branches enjoying an upsurge in interest and new memberships. The Rotorua branch alone has signed up over 100 new members in the past week!” said Annette Sykes, President of the MANA Movement.

“Interest in MANA and what we stand for is growing weekly, and a high turnout from around the country has already been indicated.

“People are very determined to change the government and MANA is looking forward to mounting a winning campaign – including in Rotorua and the key seat of Waiariki.

The AGM will be held at Mataikōtare Marae, 17 Mataikōtare Road, Te Ngae. MANA members can register via their local branch or online at


For further information please contact Noel Jory, (07) 347 1428, or [email protected]