MANA set to contest all Maori seats and more – Harawira
Posted on March 10, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“MANA will stand candidates in all seven Maori electorates and potentially in some general seats as well”, said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau following the Prime Minister’s announcement this afternoon that the general election will be held on Saturday 20 September.
“The goal is to increase our electorate seats and party votes with the aim of winning 4 more seats in the next Parliament, and the thousands of MANA members around the country are all set for the task.
“As with the 2011 election, MANA will be campaigning on key policies to address growing poverty and inequality, including greater government investment in job creation – particularly for young people, housing, and feeding kids at school.
“Creating a better future for our kids and our young people is our driving force for the election and we will be giving it everything we’ve got on their behalf.
Janniot Schneider says:
Post Author March 10, 2014 at 11:49 pmKa pai
Tauirioterangi Pouwhare says:
Post Author March 11, 2014 at 9:12 amKia kaha koutou nga kaihautu mo Te Waka Whakarei o Mana e tautoko nui ana ia koutou