Labour Admit to being Terrorists – Te Hamua Nikora

Posted on June 4, 2013 by admin in Press Releases, Te Hamua Nikora

Ikaroa-Rawhiti Candidate Te Hamua Nikora is stunned by Labour’s plan to win the electorate. In a recent press release, their leader David Shearer said “We will organise, mobilise and terrorise our political opponents”.

Nikora said that to hear that message from Labour on a day like today when Tuhoe are settling with the Crown is in extremely poor taste. “Tuhoe haven’t forgotten that it was a Labour Government that raided their homes in Taneatua and Ruatoki in 2007. Tuhoe know that the call to raid their homes by our police came from Labour. It’s another sad legacy on the part of the Labour Party when it comes to Maori rights”.

“MANA will not be terrorising our opponents but will be connecting with the voters of Ikaroa-Rawhiti. This weekend alone our team knocked on the doors of 1000 voters and received an overwhelming positive response. Perhaps they are being turned-off by threats of terrorism by Labour?”

“I knew that running for Parliament would be a tough gig. But I never expected to be the target of terrorism attacks by a political opponent. Overseas they call that type of behaviour illegal. Yet in Aotearoa, Labour seems to think that terrorising the people of Tuhoe and their political opponents is ok. I know the voters of Ikaroa-Rawhiti don’t think so and I know they will deliver that message loud and clear in the voting booths on Saturday 29th June 2013”.


For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380