Don Brash’s Political Comeback – Te Hamua
Posted on June 10, 2013 by admin in Press Releases, Te Hamua Nikora“It looks like Don Brash is making a political comeback” says MANA Candidate for Ikaroa-Rawhiti Candidate Te Hamua Nikora after having read the policies of the new political party “1 Law 4 All”.
“MANA has a proud track record of stopping former National and ACT Leader, Don Brash, in his tracks when he goes to put the boot into Maori. Now his Orewa Speech is being used as the manifesto for the new political party “I Law 4 All”. 1 Law 4 All is simply a party for the Klu Klux Klan that will draw out the rednecks in the middle of the night so they can burn copies of the Treaty of Waitangi”.
“1 Law 4 All wants to return New Zealand to the good ol’ days when Al Nisbet cartoons were commonplace in our newspapers and when no one would have batted an eyelid against the Air NZ policy whereby having a ta moko is a no-no. Their politics are racially-driven and have no place in modern Aotearoa. I guess the one good thing is that people who think as they do are dwindling in numbers and I Law 4 All will never make it into Parliament”.
“However, this may come as a shock to some people, but MANA agrees with their policy that the foreshore and seabed legislation should be scrapped. MANA would like Maori to have their day in court to determine whether or not they own tracts of the foreshore and seabed. Under the old Foreshore and Seabed Act passed under Labour, not one hapu or iwi had their rights the foreshore and seabed recognised. And under the new Marine and Coastal Area Act, a law that the Maori Party voted in favour of, the only rights being issued to the foreshore and seabed are oil exploration permits for the entire coast of Ikaroa-Rawhiti!”
For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380
Aranui says:
Post Author June 19, 2013 at 6:58 pmFONZ. Mana is just not about Maori. It is also about Pakeha…we have always said that! Not white racist trash like you though. Pledge your allegiance to Tino Rangatiratanga and you might be able to get some of our attention. Other than that, go join the queue behind the Asians and islanders racist fucka.
J.Harris says:
Post Author June 19, 2014 at 6:39 pmGee Aranui,
If your thoughts are typical of the thoughts then this democratic NZ that we live in is screwed.You just keep feeding out of the trough of tax payer funds to support the treaty claims that just keep coming.
And as for Te Hauma,you have got no idea of what 1LAW4ALL stands for at all and you also keep lining your pockets with tax payer funds to support your lifestyle and so called grievances’ against the majority of us kiwis.
GOOD ONE! lets keep NZ broke in the process