MANA and TE HAMUA on the rise
Posted on May 27, 2013 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“Last night’s TVNZ poll confirms what we’ve been hearing on the streets for months” said MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau Hone Harawira. “That MANA is on the up”.
“MANA’s appeal is simple because our policies are simple – feed the kids, jobs for mum and dad and decent housing for the whanau. Those are the issues our people face every day and that’s our focus – simple solutions to everyday problems. And clearly that’s what people have responded to”.
“The poll also said that if there was an election today, MANA would go back into the house with two seats”.
“That’s great news for our Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate Te Hamua Nikora because he’s primed and ready to go. Te Hamua is well known, he’s known to speak from the heart, he’s got a great sense of humour (essential in this job!) and he connects easily with ordinary people”.
“If the TVNZ poll holds true, Parliament will be rockin’ with Te Hamua in just over a month. Can’t wait!”
For further information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380.
- To find out how you can help go to www.facebook.com/VoteTeHamua
Peter Jones says:
Post Author May 27, 2013 at 3:39 pmHere is my comment supporting Te Hamua in today’s Gisborne Herald comments.
Peter Jones
02:30 p.m. Monday, May 27, 2013
I have checked out the Owen Glenn inquiry and while it is not officially registered as a United Nations NGO I saw video footage of Owen Glenn saying he would present its findings to the United Nations.
Anybody who supports the UN automatically supports agenda 21 because it is by definition the UN agenda for the 21st century. Ms Davidson’s work on the Human Rights Commission and her presence on the Owen Glenn inquiry alongside Manu Caddie automatically qualifies her as an “Earthcat” as well.
These social engineers often have the purest of motives but the socialist propaganda they push is so deceiving in its nature that I feel they themselves often don’t see the threat posed to individual liberty and freedom as they work through the earthcat doctrine.
They call Owen Glenn a Kiwi but in actual fact he is a colonial aristocrat from Calcutta in India.
If you want no growth and a continuation of the drain of Maori from the rural areas, vote for Marama and her agenda 21.
Meka Whaitiri has much sounder credentials but her masters degree in education guarantees that she is also an earthcat like Hekia Parata wanting social justice United Nations style.
Na Raihania is in the Maori Party, which also supported UN agenda 21 by signing the UDRIP declaration.
The only candidate not sold out to the UN agenda 21 is Te Hamua Nikora.
I have no doubt that Te Hamua will support the kaupapa of his Mana Maori colleague Leon Hawea who is a long-time supporter of Maori education issues. He cares only about the rights of Maori to a fair go and never mind all this agenda 21 bull . . . .
Peter Jones says:
Post Author May 27, 2013 at 6:15 pmHere’s an even better one.
Go for it Te Hamua.
Beppe Grillo of the Land of the long white cloud.
Peter Jones
06:40 p.m. Saturday, May 25, 2013
This is the opportunity Parekura left wide open for his nephew Te Hamua.
You see, Helen Clark hid her globalist agenda 21 behind Parekura’s frame for years. She used him. She abused his humanity and his love of his people.
Parekura sold out, which is why he is missed by his globalist buddies.
Te Hamua has pledged to stay staunch with Hone Harawira.
Te Hamua may be a comedian but so too is Beppe Grillo and Beppe came from nowhere to win more votes in the last Italian election than any other party.
Te Hamua is “our man” and we must support him because he has pledged to support us.
I heard him do this myself last Saturday night down at the Cossie Club and I believe he means it.