Posted on June 12, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“This new bill shows just how foolish the Maori Party was to support National’s Marine and Coastal Area Bill” said MANA leader Hone Harawira in opposing the (EEZ) Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Bill.
“Because at the same time that the Maori Party was giving title of the foreshore and seabed to the government, their masters were up at the United Nations getting that title extended up to 200 miles from our shoreline”.
“So not only did the Maori Party sign away Maori rights to the foreshore and seabed, so too did they sign away Maori rights to the Continental Shelf as well”.
“Under this EEZ bill, iwi concerns have been ignored, the Treaty of Waitangi has been ignored and government won’t have to bother talking to iwi as they ramp up their focus on exploiting oil and gas, over and above any environmental concerns”.
“This bill is designed specifically to open up the seabed to overseas mining companies, many of whom use the deadly technique of fracking to gain access to oil and gas”.
“Whanau a Apanui will forever remember how much time and energy it took to stop Petrobras from drilling off their coastline and the nation is still paying for the multi-million dollar oil spill cleanup following the grounding of the Rena off the coast of Tauranga”.
“The EEZ bill will open up our coastlines to dangers far greater than anything we have ever seen and our image will quickly change from ‘clean and green’ to the ‘murky and mean’”.
“Neat alright Maori Party – not only have you opened the door to the greatest single loss of Maori rights in our history, but you’ve also given your bosses exclusive rights to pillage the seas that provide our people with much of their kai”.
“Makes you wonder how much more damage Turia and Sharples might do as they drift into their twilight years, clinging desperately to their ministerial salaries while losing touch with their people’s reality”.
For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380
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