Ae Marika! 15 May 2012, MP Hone Harawira
Posted on May 15, 2012 by admin in Ae MarikaEvery now and then an issue comes along that brings together parties with widely different philosophies, and government’s plan to sell off our assets is just such an issue.
Last Wednesday I attended the launch of a petition to force a referendum on the issue along with representatives from Labour, the Greens, New Zealand First, MANA, the Unions, Grey Power, the Student’s Association, and the Aotearoa is Not For Sale Movement.
And this issue will roll right through to the next election as more and more New Zealanders come to realise that flogging off the country’s most valuable assets is as dumb an idea in 2012 as it was back in the 1990’s.
Remember TELECOM? Government sold it in 1990 for a song and overseas investors have been reaping the profits ever since – at our expense.
And then when POST BANK was sold (to Australians), Post Offices all over the north got shut down, effectively crippling services to rural communities.
And our RAILWAYS? Government sold it for $323m in 1993, let Fay Richwhite strip it in 1996, had to bail it out in 2003 for $75m and was finally forced to buy it back in 2008 for $665m.
And remember how when the FORESTRY was privatised, all our relations got forced out of the industry by cripplingly low contract rates?
So … given how absolutely critical electricity is to our economy and indeed to our whole way of life, hands up those who think privatising our power companies is a good idea now?
Nah, thought so.
This isn’t about politics anymore. This is about doing our bit to secure the future for our moko. So when you see somebody come up with a petition for a referendum on asset sales, don’t be shy, sign up please (petitions can be downloaded from the MANA website
The other issue that I wanted to follow up on was how we can support the families of the workers locked out at the Meat Works all round the country. I know the unions are working hard to get TALLY / AFFCO back to the table, and I know the workers down Moerewa have really appreciated all the help as well.
Anyway, one of my crew came up with a “Support the Talley-Ban” leaflet (yeah, yeah – but the other crowd is spelled Taliban OK?). It’s based on ordinary people boycotting Talley’s products and choosing an alternative, at least until Talley’s agree to come back to the table.
I’ve talked to a few people up home here and I’m going to see if we can get folks to hand them out at major supermarkets like Pak ‘n Save in Kaitaia and Countdown in Kaikohe and Woolworths in Dargaville.
It’s not a big political statement, but it is something each and every one of us can do to send a message to Talley’s that making kids suffer is not what we in the north consider to be an acceptable practice in wage negotiations.
And to all those mums out there – I hope you had a good break on Sunday. Regardless of what political party you might vote for, or whatever country you might have been born in, or whatever race you might be, mums are what make the world go round. Our love to you all.
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