Talks need to replace Ethnic Cleansing in Glen Innes
Posted on April 18, 2012 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesMana Vice-President John Minto is requesting that the Minister of Housing Phil Heatley call a four-week moratorium on the removal of state houses from Glen Innes.
“Mana’s proposal is endorsing a similar call from the Tamaki Housing Group which is leading the opposition to government plans. A halt for a month would allow a cooling off period and time for talks with community representatives to avert the ongoing confrontations with developers and police.
The community feels betrayed by the government and local National Party MPs.
Back in 2008 the then head of the Tamaki Redevelopment Project Pat Snedden told the community –
“There will be no requirement at all for any existing tenant in any state house to move out of the area as a result of anything that occurs here. There will be no reduction in state houses as a result of anything that occurs here”.
However state housing will be halved in this first stage of the redevelopment with working class families either forced out of GI altogether or into a new high density housing area which will be a slum in five years.
It’s no wonder the community feels betrayed and abused with Snedden’s assurances now shown to be meaningless.
The government’s plan has a public relations name but in practice it’s ethnic cleansing on a grand scale. Maori and Pacific families are being forced out of their homes on the slopes of northern Glen Innes for white middle class developments to take their place.
Right now state houses are being prepared for removal and developers are licking their lips at the rich pickings they will make from state-owned land the government is selling for private profit.
The community is resisting and escalating confrontations are inevitable if it continues unchecked.
Phil Heatley has never spoken to the Glen Innes community. He should step into this issue now”.
For further information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380
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