Happy Birthday MANA!

Posted on April 30, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

“Happy birthday MANA” states MANA President Annette Sykes.

“Today MANA is one year old. In that time, MANA has gone from strength to strength, standing up for the little guy who no one gives a hoot about and sticking it to the right-wing, rich corporates who try and suck every cent from everyone else in their reckless pursuit of increasing the size of their bank balances” says Sykes.

“Who would have thought that one year ago MANA would have one MP and be well positioned to take more seats at the next election? In that time we have faced the might of the other bigger political parties and won Te Tai Tokerau in a by-election and in a general election. We have more and more people joining our ranks every day and we are the most visible political party during times when people need us the most; at the Ports of Auckland strike, the AFFCO lockout and now the ‘Aotearoa is not the Sale’ Hikoi” comments Sykes.

“MANA is more than just a political party” said MANA leader Hone Harawira. ” We’re a movement that’s actively engaged in its many communities and that’s what I’m most proud of.”

“And yes, even though we’re small, we’re making a difference. We’ve been actively engaged in campaigns against the sale of state assets and in support of the rights of workers all round the country and beneficiaries who can’t defend themselves” says Harawira.

“MANA is a movement of activists and I’m honoured to be at the helm” said Harawira.

For further comment please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380