Aotearoa is NOT FOR SALE hikoi!

Posted on March 20, 2012 by admin in Ae Marika, Events, News, Press Releases
  • Te Rerenga Wairua 23 April to Wellington 5 May.

I don’t do this often, but here’s the scoops straight off my email a couple of days ago. Mike Smith’s organising it, MANA will be supporting it, and I’m going to do as much of it as I can.

What is this Hikoi about? 

To show public opposition to privatisation and the continued sale of our countries natural resources, land and public services to private investors.

Who is leading the Hikoi? 

This Hikoi is a non-political event providing an opportunity for all people across all sectors to oppose privatization. Is not being organized or led by any particular political party or group. The “Frontline” will be led by Kaumatua (elders) and mokopuna (grandchildren). As the hikoi moves across country it will be led by the local iwi and community members of the territory we will be passing through.

Why now? 

Government is attempting to push through a number of laws that will further undermine the economic sovereignty of our country. Large blocks of land are being made available for sale to foreign investors, and there is an aggressive oil drilling and mining tendering process across our coastlines and on land, including private Maori land. The Government is trying to push these matters through parliament while engaging in whirlwind “consultation” processes that we don’t believe has any integrity. Now is the time to put pressure on the government to abandon the privatization agenda.

What is the alternative?

A vision for our society determined by the citizens and not the politicians; a vision imbedded in our constitution to ensure that these rights, freedoms and responsibilities cannot be tinkered with at the whim of politicians.

Are there any rules?

No alcohol or drugs, no violence, no sexual harassment, no racism. Follow the instructions of the Hikoi leaders and road marshals. Abide by the rules of the Marae where you will be staying. There will compulsory singing, laughing and whanaungatanga.

What will I need to bring?

Bring two friends to provide support while you are on the road. Bring good gear like a small tent, blanket or sleeping bag, water bottle, good walking shoes, warm clothing and a rain proof jacket, placard and signs, flags noise makers etc. Take responsibility for any special diet needs you may have.

Do I have to come all the way?

No, Participate in your local area as the Hikoi travels through your town or your region. Come toWellington for the last part of the Hikoi if you are can’t come the whole way.

How can I support this event?

Tell as many people about it as possible (Face book, Twitter, Talkback radio, word of mouth), get a group together to help organize awareness, distribute posters in your area, donate kai to the marae where the Hikoi will be staying, and contact you local organiser to help.

Where can I get more information?

MANA AGM this weekend 24-25 March. Mataikotare marae, Rotorua. Ring 0800 TOKERAU or check out the website for more info.

And if you want to help the guys who got the chop down AFFCO, drop some kai into the office (on Broadway in Kaikohe and Bank St in Kaitaia) and we’ll get it down to them. When times are tough we need one another.