Mana: Waitakere campaign – Bennett to finally appear?
Posted on November 9, 2011 by admin in Press Releases, Sue BradfordMana – Election 2011
Media Release Tuesday 8 November 2011
Mana: Waitakere campaign – Bennett to finally appear?
Mana candidate Sue Bradford is looking forward to finally being able to engage with Paula Bennett at a local Waitakere candidates’ meeting tomorrow night.
Ms Bradford believes that for the first time in this election campaign Ms Bennett will be making an appearance at the Western Heights ‘Meet the Candidates’ meeting at Summerland Primary School Hall, Summerland Drive, at 7.30pm Wednesday 9 November.
“I believe that not only my fellow political candidates but also members of the public have been disappointed that the sitting MP for Waitakere has failed to show up at any of a number of local meetings that have been held so far.
Ms Bennett also refused to go on a proposed special Waitakere edition of the TV7 show Back Benches.
“I look forward to finally being in a position to challenge Paula Bennett on her latest welfare reform plans, which will have a devastating impact on the lives of a number of people in this electorate, as well as elsewhere around the country.
“Many Waitakere voters are struggling in either low paid work or on benefits. They deserve the chance to let Paula know what they think of National’s war on the poor and to hear her reasons for the Government’s latest plans to make their lives miserable.
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