Posted on November 25, 2011 by admin in Press Releases


Hone Harawira
The MANA leader and candidate for Te Tai Tokerau on Saturday travels from west Auckland through the shore all the way to Kaitaia past all branches , he votes at a school in Whangarei. (Details to come).
He will be at MANA’s Kaitaia office on election night – 10 Banks St, Kaitaia.

Annette Sykes
candidate for WAIARIKI seat will be casting her vote at Rotoiti Kura Kaupapa at 10am.
She will then tour her branches in Waiairki for the day.
ANNETTE SYKES and MANA ROTORUA branch crew will be based at Linton Community Center, 16 Kamahi Place, Rotorua from 4pm to enjoy a kai hakari with family and friends of Annette.

Media contact is TE RINGAHUIA HATA (Campaign Manager 021 236 0931)

Kereama Pene
The MANA candidate for tamaki – Makaurau and all of the Auckland general candidates have resolved to hold a combined Tamaki Makaurau function at Kia Maia on Saturday. He will probably across at Robertson Road Primary School mid-morning on Saturday, but that is yet to be confirmed.

Tawhai McClutchie
Mana Movement Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate, will be
making his vote at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Waiu o Ngati Porou, in
Ruatoria, 12pm.
Mana Ruatorea’s Tawhai McClutchie Election Night Support Party will be held at Sharon’s Village Cafe from 4pm

Angeline Greensill
MANA candidate for Hauraki – Tainui is voting on election day at the Raglan Post Office. Time will be between 8am to 9am.

Sue Bradford
MANA Waitakere Candate has already voted.
She intends to be at the Mana Waitakere election night party at 8 Amokura St, Henderson on Saturday night.


Clinton Dearlove
MANA Te Tai Tonga candidate will be in Christchurch on Saturday and will be residing at 65a Ottawa Road, Wainoni, Christchurch on Saturday Election night. It is a residential address and the residence has asked that media seek prior permission to enter or visit the property to interview Clinton.
Key contacts: Terry Burkhardt 02108225529 and Clinton Dearlove 0212429342.
Clinton has already cast his vote in an advanced voting booth in Wellington.

Jayson Gardiner
Candidate for TAURANGA seat will be casting his vote at 17th Avenue Historic Village.
With MANA TGA branch crew he will be based at Historic Village from 9am-5pm at Historic Village, 17th Avenue.
They will be based at his house having a BBQ with all the TGA MANA crew and friends from 7pm.
For media korero 027 856 2430 or HAZEL HAPE (MANA TGA Acting Interim Chair) 021 028 46256

Val Irwin
East Coast candidate has already voted
He is heading to Ruatorea tomorrow and will be with Tawhai at Sharon’s cafe main street Ruatorea from 4 PM