Latest job stats expose Nats’ real agenda on welfare – Mana
Posted on November 3, 2011 by admin in Press ReleasesRising unemployment puts the lie to National’s claims that there are plenty of jobs out there says Sue Bradford, Mana’s spokesperson on Livelihoods.
‘The cruel hopelessness of National’s welfare policies is shown up by today’s Household Labour Force Survey, which reveals that the unemployment rate has increased slightly over the last quarter, to 6.6%.
Over the last year, the number of unemployed has risen by 4.7%. On top of that the jobless rate now stands at 254,300, an increase of 10,900 people.
‘On Tuesday this week, John Key and Paula Bennett told us that the thrust of National’s welfare reform programme is to push tens of thousands of solo parents, sick, injured and disabled people out into the workforce.
‘Once again, I ask – where are the jobs?
‘Surely at some stage Paula Bennett has to start looking at the evidence, admit she has got it wrong with her welfare changes, and start looking for practical solutions to the real problems of poverty and unemployment.
‘With the Eurozone in meltdown and America’s debt crisis far from resolved, I
don’t think the world – or local – economic situation is going to get better any time soon.
‘Somebody needs to have a quiet word with John Key and tell him inventing 170,000 ghost jobs won’t change the grim reality.
‘Mana believes the best way forward is not to punish beneficiaries, but instead to
have a Government which is committed to major, proactive job creation in both the state and community sectors.
‘We also support increasing access to free, quality training and education across the board, including for those unemployed and on benefits.
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