MANA Movement – Economic Justice Policy Release
Posted on October 25, 2011 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesMANA will announce its economic justice policy on Thursday at 10am in Aotea Square Auckland.
Our policies will bring hope to families and communities consigned to unrelenting hardship by 27 years of vicious policies which have enriched the few at the expense of the many.
It will serve notice on the 1% that they can no longer ride on the backs of the 99%.
The wealthiest 150 New Zealanders received an increase in wealth last year of $7 billion and most paid tax on only a tiny percentage of that income – unlike most New Zealanders who pay tax on every dollar they earn.
We will be advocating structural change in economic policy which will be revolutionary rather than the tinkering of Labour or the “brighter future” for the 1% advocated by National.
In other countries people argue there should be no taxation without representation but here the 1% have representation without taxation. In fact they exert a dominant influence over the policies of both Labour and National.
Our policy may bring some sleepless nights in Remuera but will bring comfort to parents, kids and communities across the rest of the country.
For Further Information:
John Minto 021 447067
Peter Verschaffelt 0220643251
Graham says:
Post Author October 25, 2011 at 3:10 pmThe release will be very timely John particulalry as it will be delivered amongst a gathering of “occupiers” and supporters.
I urge as many Mana supporters as possible to be there.