Mana Kaimahi Network established
Posted on August 17, 2011 by admin in KoreroSyd Keepa (Mana Movement spokesperson on employment and industrial relations) and Mike Treen have agreed to establish a network of unionists who support the Mana Movement. This group will be called the Mana Kaimahi Network and they want to encourage active participation of working people in the Mana Movement leading up to the election on November 26.
In the first instance they would like to invite active unionists and union officials to join an email network and/or facebook group to coordinate activities. Until the election they will focus on distributing Mana election material in workplaces, communities and unions; enrolling potential Mana voters; and identifying Mana supporters within the trade union movement to join Mana.
In the near future this group will look forward to the possibility of forming workplace, union or cross-union branches of Mana members. Their aim is to have an active role in promoting policy that upholds the interests of working people.
- Email Mike to be added to the network [email protected]
- Join the Mana Kaimahi Network on facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/163366273740120/
Ruebs @ ahipara says:
Post Author August 17, 2011 at 9:50 pmrevolution is cool
liberation is better