The Budget

The Budget

Posted on June 2, 2011 by admin in Korero

Notice how during the reading of the budget, the Nats were all cheering and clapping but the Maori Party spent most of their time with their heads buried in their paperwork? Well, it’s because they got bugger all and they’re too embarrassed to show their faces over it – that’s why.

The Maori Party trumpeted millions of dollars in Maori spending, but the truth must have been on holiday, because the reality was far, far different. In fact, highlights of the budget for Maori Party were that Whanau Ora got a bit of extra money (about .1% of the Social Welfare Budget) from money taken off domestic violence programmes; and Kura Kaupapa got some extra bus money; and … that’s about it.

That’s got to be hugely disappointing for the Maori Party who like to trot out the line that “Maori must be at the table to influence government decisions”, and the resounding lack of applause from Maoridom shows how divorced the Maori Party has gotten from the people who put them into power.

Getting a few crumbs won’t hide the fact that the Maori Party voted for cuts in health, education and housing, and putting the interests of their own ministerial portfolios before the needs of their people shows how shallow, desperate, and irrelevant the Maori Party has become.

And yet, that is where the Maori Party is now sitting; at the right foot of John Key, and alongside their new best mate Don Brash. Long may that relationship last …

The Candidate

So there you have the criteria for the next Maori Party candidate (whoever that might be). 1. shut your mouth (Maori Party leaders don’t like strong and independent people). 2. vote for bills that 90% of Maoridom are opposed to (the increase in GST and the marine and Coastal Area Bill). 3. be willing to vote for cuts in health, education and housing. 4.
don’t bother asking your people for their opinion anymore because they know you aren’t listening anyway. 5. clap when John Key is giving millions to his mates and bugger all to yours, and 6. smile like you just got another slice of watermelon whenever your new mate Don Brash comes in the room.


A few weeks back I proposed a completely different tax scheme that would get rid of our national debt, increase our capacity to help those in genuine need, and enhance our economic potential by placing the tax burden where it properly belongs – on those who spend the most.

A number of political commentators wanted to scoff at the notion except I think they know that it’s a bloody good idea.

  • We call it the HONE HEKE TAX.
  • In other places it’s called the Financial Transaction Tax;
  • Presidents Merkel of Germany and Sarkozy of France have both expressed their support for it;
  • The European Union and the G20 are also considering it;
  • The UK has a public campaign for their own version, the Robin Hood Tax;
  • Two weeks ago, one of New Zealand’s most respected financial commentators, Bernard Hickey, agreed that the scheme has potential;
  • And this week, the Deputy Prime Minister of Finland said that “Finland will push for a global financial transaction tax, but that if there is no agreement, Finland is ready to have a domestic one”.
  • Which proves that an international HONE HEKE TAX is not only possible and desirable

And it’s based on the simple premise that everyone pays 1% on all financial transactions.

It would nearly double the country’s tax revenue. Instead of cutting back on health, education and other core services, government would actually have money to spend in those areas. GST would disappear, making food, petrol, electricity and water far cheaper. And instead of having to borrow $300 million a week to keep our economy afloat, within a couple of years, we could wipe out our national debt.

Labour is making gurgling noises of support for it too now, which is a bit of a laugh, given that the reason we’re in such hock to the banks is because Labour sold them all anyway!

And as for the Maori Party, they might want to support it now, but when I was in the caucus, they actually rejected a paper on it (probably because their National Party advisers told them too).

Look lively folks. There’s a new wind blowing through the north, and it brings with it the promise of a new day, but only for those who are wanna get out of bed!!