Northern Ratana put their forces behind Mana
Posted on June 17, 2011 by admin in NewsThe northern arm of the Ratana Movement have organised a hikoi through Auckland in support of Harawira.
Ratana, a Maori spiritual movement based near Wanganui, has traditionally held strong links with Labour although Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia is the current electorate MP for the area.
Kereama Pene, a senior minister in the movement, said the hikoi aimed to spread the word about the “most relevant political force for Maori in this country” – Mana.
[quote]We believe that Mana is the vehicle to unite all people who are struggling, who are impoverished, who cannot find that life-line in the major political parties.”
Harawira was the only Tai Tokerau candidate to understand the issues. Our movement has spoken – we will help Hone Harawira in his quest to lay down the foundation of a new political party that carries our people’s hopes, dreams and aspirations.”[/quote]
The by-election, on June 25, was called after Harawira split with the Maori Party and then resigned from Parliament.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 5:24 pmI split from respect for the Maori Party, when Tariana Turia suggested everyone should get a free stomach- staple (curtesy of the taxpayer ) who was headed for too- early death by obesity.
Obesity is mainly caused by the introduction of american-type addictive fast foods and drinks.
Tariana never suggested banning fast food – especially in schools – which the Green Party had banned and which the National Party brought back.
Then Hone Harawira, braving the anger of the media, said let us ban smoking, which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and – well – dead!
Hone’s anger was palpable and so was the media screechy rage at someone with guts, standing up to the wretched, poisonous, consumer pushing, media.’s fat ,rich, killer mates…
So the Mana Party, I saw, must be going to be just the muscle, brains and anger we need, to join with The Greens – who only lack um well – muscle – heh heh…
Plus we can maybe get maori armed forces and cops on side with the long task ofsaving Aotearoa from National, Labour and Act nazi parties selling us all off?
A more righteous way to get a Mana Party ‘Victoria Cross’ Willie Apiata? Join The Mana Party?
Save NZ instead of America?
http://bestpoet.com your poet bro
http://mana.net.nz your maori bros
http://greens.org.nz your cuzzy bros
http://evanscartoons.com your cartoonist bro
Sharing the Mana – Let’s go New Zealand
Ake ake ake Kia kaha
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 11:20 pmCORRUPTION REALITY CHECKLIST – NEW ZEALAND
1. Has NZ ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption? ……… NO
2. Does NZ have an independent anti-corruption body tasked with educating the public and PREVENTING corruption? ……. NO
3. Do NZ’s laws ensure transparency in the funding of candidates for elected public office and political parties at central government level? …………………. NO
4. Do NZ Members of Parliament have a ‘Code of Conduct’? NO
5. Do NZ Local Govt elected reps have a ‘Code of Conduct’? ……. YES
6. Is it an offence for NZ Local Govt elected reps to breach the ‘Code of Conduct’? NO
7. Is there a lawful requirement for a publicly-available ‘Register of Interests’ for NZ Local Govt elected reps? …………………NO
8. Is there a lawful requirement for a publicly-available ‘Register of Interests’ for NZ Central Govt staff responsible for procurement? ……………… NO
9. Is there a lawful requirement for a publicly-available ‘Register of Interests’ for NZ Local Govt staff responsible for procurement? ………. NO
10. Is there a lawful requirement for details of ‘contracts issued’ – including the name of the contractor; scope, term and value of the contract to be published in NZ Central Govt Public Sector, and Local Govt (Council) Annual Reports so that they are available for public scrutiny?……. NO
11. Is it a lawful requirement that a ‘cost-benefit analysis’ of NZ Central Govt public finances be undertaken to substantiate that private procurement of public services previously provided ‘in-house’ is cost-effective for the public majority? ………NO
12. Is it a lawful requirement that a ‘cost-benefit analysis’ of NZ Local Govt public finances be undertaken to substantiate that private procurement of public services previously provided ‘in-house’ is cost-effective for the public majority? ………NO
13. Does NZ have a legally-enforcable ‘Code of Conduct’ for members of the NZ Judiciary? ……NO
14. Are all NZ Court proceedings recorded, and audio records made available to parties who request them?……………NO
15. Is there a lawful requirement for a publicly-available NZ Judicial ‘Register of Interests’? …. NO
16. Is there a lawful requirement for a publicly-available NZ ‘Register of Lobbyists’ at Central Govt Ministerial level? ………… NO
17. Is there a legal requirement at NZ Central and Local Govt level for a ‘post-separation employment quarantine ‘ period’ from the time officials leave the public service to take up a similar role in the private sector?………………NO
18. Is it a lawful requirement that it is only a binding vote of the public majority that can determine whether public assets held at NZ Central Govt or Local Govt level are sold; or long-term leased via Public-Private –Partnerships? …………………. NO
19. Is it unlawful in NZ for politicians to knowingly misrepresent their policies prior to election at central or local government level? …………………………. NO
20. Do NZ laws promote and protect individuals, NGOs and community-based organisations who are ‘whistleblowing’ against ‘conflicts of interest’ and corrupt practices at central and local govt level and within the judiciary? ……………………………. NO
See the rest from Penny Bright here:
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 25, 2011 at 10:34 amhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNuSEZ8CDw
This same robbery of the rich from the poor is exactly the model that Act, Labour and National farty parties are copying, from America, to make the poor poorer and the rich richer.
A more righteous way is better to get a Mana Party ‘Victoria Cross’ Willie Apiata? Join The Mana Party?
Save NZ instead of America?
http://bestpoet.com your poet bro
http://mana.net.nz your maori bros
http://greens.org.nz your cuzzy bros
http://evanscartoons.com your cartoonist bro
Sharing the Mana – Let’s go New Zealand
Ake ake ake Kia kaha
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 27, 2011 at 8:46 pmThere is heaps of work for Mana and the Greens
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