Meeting with the people
Posted on June 8, 2011 by admin in KoreroWent to Mangamuka today for Puni Makene’s tangi. Puni was Te Hiku Media’s main Reo Maori announcer for 15 years. Beautiful speaker – clear and polished – won’t see his like again. Big crowd …
Then down to Whakapara to drop off the mokos, but my mate Takawai got me to talk to the Ngapuhi Youth Network who were at the marae for a Decolonisation hui. Short session, but an enjoyable one.
Then an interview in Whangarei with TV3 about my Destiny appearance on the weekend, followed by a call from Campbell Live to come on the show tonight when I get to Auckland.
Then after that, I head over the Shore for The Jono Project, a TV3 comedy shoot about one of my girls coming home with a Pakeha. It’s on air this Friday night (I think).
Tomorrow I hope to catch up with Matt McCarten, then if I get time I’ll head out West to catch up with my Waitakere crew.
Then I’m meeting some students who want to talk to me about ‘racism in the media’.
Then a long haul back to Whangarei for a jam-packed Thursday full of hui, media, meet and greet, and sharin’ the MANA!
Hope Puriri says:
Post Author June 8, 2011 at 10:19 amChur go hard uncle! You have the MANA! Go stay at home for some good kai and a good wind-down before the next day starts. Kia kaha!
Te Niiwai says:
Post Author June 8, 2011 at 12:17 pmHey Papa! hei ahea koe korero atu ki nga tauira e paa ana ki nga ahuatanga kaikiri o roto mai o te ao papaoho?
Margaret Thomas says:
Post Author June 10, 2011 at 6:56 pmE Puni,
Ka hinga te totara i te wao nui a tane. Takahia te ara ki Te Reinga. I a koe e ora ana, he totara nui koe, he tangata rongonui, he matua mahana, Pikia atu te ara ki te Rerenga Wairua, Moe mai i to moenga roa, Waiho mai nga taonga mo o mokopuna, Takoto, Takoto, Takoto, e te rangatira. Te Whanau o Hohepa raua ko Akinihi Thomas 10/6/11