Mana Party Policy Statement on Treaty Settlements released
Posted on June 22, 2011 by admin in NewsMANA PARTY POLICY STATEMENT
Treaty settlements
The purpose of the Treaty settlements system is to justly settle Crown breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. A suite of policy changes is needed to ensure claims lodged under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 are settled more justly. Mana Party policy priorities are to:
- Remove the Deadline for lodging of claims which was imposed for 1 September 2008 and extend the timeframe for the settlement of historical claims with the Waitangi Tribunal to better enable iwi with such claims to properly research and state their cases.
- Increase resourcing of the Waitangi Tribunal so that it is better able to hear and expedite the settlement of claims in a fair and timely manner.
- Expand the jurisdiction of the Waitangi Tribunal to make binding recommendations in certain cases.
- Increase the value of settlements to iwi by introducing a graduated system of settlement rather than a one-off settlement package. This would replace the current “full-and-final” settlement system and would enable the Crown to justly settle claims over time.
- Establish an independent Treaty of Waitangi Commission, where the Commissioner is elected by Māori voters at general elections. A key role of the Commission would be to oversee the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal and the negotiations of the Office of Treaty Settlements to better protect the rights of iwi claimants.
- Prioritise the return of Crown owned lands including those held by State Owned Enterprises where there are proven claims over those lands in keeping with the maxim “Me riro whenua atu, me hoki whenua mai”.
- Ensure that the texts of He Whakaputanga o Ngā Rangatiratanga o Niu Tireni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi are the reference points in settlement dealings between iwi and the Crown, and not the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
- Abolish Crown appointment of brokers and facilitators to effect settlements, and ensure iwi have the capacity to select their own leaders and appoint their own advisers without Crown interference.
- Begin a process to settle the way in which political and legal power is structured in Aotearoa New Zealand. Settlement must include meaningful constitutional transformation.
Anonymous says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 10:36 pmWhen you going to release policy about sate owned assests? Would be good time? Side step the greens policy of intergrating private and state assests! Nationalist all NZ assests! Workers Control! no more private profit and money going offshore!
Anonymous says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 10:53 pmWhat about Popular Power Laws being enacted in Venezuela? http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/5852
Jacqueline Carter says:
Post Author June 23, 2011 at 1:16 pmTēnā anō tātau. Just want to add something to what I wrote yesterday; the main reason the other parties are so opposed to Hone and the Mana Movement is because they know perfectly well that Mana is just as likely to become a political force as the Maori Party did back in 2005! So kia kaha koutou ngā tāngata o Te Tai Tokerau; a vote for Hone is a vote for change and how appropriate that it take place in the North, the area first and probably most affected by the changes brought about by Pakeha and still struggling to recover today!
Graham says:
Post Author June 23, 2011 at 10:04 pmI am not Maori but support Mana philosophically, intellectually and in any practical way I am able. I hope for the first of several changes to come this Saturday with a Mana victory in Tai Tokerau. I believe that such an outcome will be beneficial to all New Zealanders, be a victory for justice over white mans wealth based legal systems, be a victory for human values over monetarist concepts and be the first step to achieving an equal society free from the power elite, big business, neo -liberal politics and the “rich pricks.”
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 24, 2011 at 9:47 amListen to this whistleblower, Aaron Russo who is a good truthful guy, describe a little of the huge hoax that The National , Labour and Act parties, suck up to and love, because they get their power and contributions and strategy and media support for and from war-mad America
http://www.greens.org.nz/mps your mates in the battle to save New Zealand from the bankers. (Greece is losing and America has LOST already)
It has been going on for decades these dreadful insane, murderous tricks and sly attacks on countries.. Seventy wars!
So when you turn around and look harder maori fellow patriots, you could find that behind your ‘treaty partner’ spokesperson, money millionaire,- manipulator, grinning ,sly John Key ,is actually a powerful, ruthless, nazi, banking cartel, hidden, but in plain view, pulling HIS puppet strings..
The Green Party are no puppets and know a lot about all this and are constantly fighting the system. Good people like Sue Bradford, Sue Kedgely -(hey Keith Locke stood up to chinese guards from China on our parliamnt stepsI ) have had the cops come to my house and tell me to stop ringing and attacking our fascist talkback radio. And they are so young now and vicious from all the American cop TV they watch…
So the enemy is HUGE – much much bigger than thought -very soon we could lose completely and all have chips inserted, in our bodies, switched on and off by stooge-puppets like Obama a Manchurian Candidate if ever there was and schooled and drilled and word perfect.
But while we are still allowed to vote them out, our mutual enemies out – our Vichy government traitors who suck up to the American Industrial Complex , waging infinite war, then DO IT! and Vote Mana and vote Green.
Watch all of Aaron’s stuff on Youtube.
Listen to Alex Jones, protestor non pareil, internet Radio 24/7 Listen now
Download VLC Player & install.
Then listen to Alex Jones, internet radio, by downloading the pls file to play on VLC Player at next line.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 24, 2011 at 11:00 amHundreds turn out for screening of Aaron Russo’s “America: From Freedom to Fascism” By Kat Dillon About 300 people attended the We the People Foundation (http://givemeliberty.org) screening of Aaron Russo’s new movie, “America: From Freedom to Fascism” in Londonderry on Sunday March 26th. Russo’s movie delved into a wide array of subjects, from the Federal Reserve system, lack of accountability from Fort Knox gold reserves, the legality of the Federal Income Tax, IRS abuses of the innocent, lack of constitutional restraint, similarities of the US to a police state, The New World Order, the upcoming National ID Card, to abuses of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
The film’s impetus was the Truth-in-Taxation Movement’s claim that the Federal Income Tax does not apply to most people living and working in American. The We the People Foundation has been asking the government a simple question, “Where is the law that says average Americans have to pay taxes on their wages?” Easy question, right? But since 2002, the Federal Government and the IRS have refused to answer this straightforward question. The Supreme Court has ruled that the 16th Amendment did not confer to the government any new taxation powers (Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co.) The movie points to lower court judges blatantly refusing to allow this Supreme Court decision be entered into evidence in trials of tax resisters. Ex-IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen ended the interview when asked about this Supreme Court decision, rather than answer Russo’s questions about it.
The issue of the Federal Reserve has surprises for even those familiar with the subject. In 1913, the power allotted to Congress to coin money was handed over to a private group of banks otherwise known as the Federal Reserve. Author Franklin Saunders asks, “Why have we given a monopoly of creating money out of thin air to a private corporation?” That the public is not allowed to even know what banks are a part of the Federal Reserve is driven home by author Michael Ruppert. Toward the end of the movie, it is revealed that there has not been an accounting of the gold in Fort Knox in recent history.
In an interview with Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, Paul states, “You have to get permission for almost everything. If that’s a definition of a police state, that you can’t do anything unless the government gives you permission, we’re well on our way.” Dramatic footage brings the police state into focus with a Florida woman being repeatedly tasered to her pitiful screams of pain. Her crime? Driving with a suspended license. Another woman is tasered while huddled on the ground. She had been protesting.
Programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis is questioned at a hearing about programs for the new electronic voting machines, “Mr. Curtis, are there programs that can be used to fix elections?” Curtis replies with a definitive, “Yes.” And when asked if he thought the Ohio presidential election in 2004 was rigged, he said that it appeared to have been.
New Hampshire activist and Spychips author Katherine Albrecht is interviewed in the movie about the dangers of RFID technology. She paints a frightening picture of our every move, our every purchase being tracked by the government in the near future. With the use of RFID in money, you could not make purchases with regular money without the approval or knowledge of the government. To be a political dissident would be a condemnation to live completely outside normal society.
At the end of the movie, Russo poses the very apt question, “What are you going to do about it?” He first poses the idea of civil disobedience, a great suggestion, which I think he should have stuck with. The movie screams for revolt. But he dilutes the whole message of the movie by then suggesting electing people who will not do these horrible things to us, even after making it clear that the elections are rigged. He would have done well to stick with the idea of non-violent, non-cooperation in the tradition of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. I wonder if Mr. Russo realizes the power of such action. It cannot be ignored, and puts pressure on everyone to act. It is feared by government more than any other means of resistance, for good reason. They must have our consent to enslave us. They are too few, and we too many for it to be otherwise.
You can view a preview of the movie online at http://www.freedomtofascism.com/.
Aaron Russo died from cancer
Shane Gage says:
Post Author July 13, 2011 at 8:13 pmThe NZ Coat of Arms has two figures – the lady for the settlers and the Chief for tangata Whenua – the crest is a whaiariki of prosperity, my assumption is the two figures come together on equal terms? a balance of 50/50 – if that dont happen they go upstairs to the Crown,
Problem is and has been for along time that the lady figure thinks she is the Crown or how`s it put, the Sovereign – she needs to be brought back to reality that she is an elected body of people working for and in the house of repesentatives and thats all she is. What this Country needs is two governor generals – and a return back to the Status quo of the Privy Council hearing the arguments as to matters of significant constitutional importance to both the maori representatives figure and the female figure representing the settlers.
lipoi falekaono says:
Post Author March 13, 2014 at 10:16 amhey shane my name is lipoi falekaono son in law of kahu gray can weplease have talk bout something please contact me [email protected]