Hone’s Diary | 20 June 2011
Posted on June 21, 2011 by admin in KoreroMonday Awesome day! A fiery debate on RNZ, then we stopped off in Moerewa for my moko’s powhiri at her kura (Taumarere).
Then canvassing down Waitakere which turned into a media show with Te Karere, TV3 and a photographer following me, but still a good korero with constituents
Into the city for an interview about my employment proposals which are causing a bit of a stir and have even got Kelvin trying to steal them, so they must be pretty good eh?
Then I did Te Karere with Shane Taurima who gave me a really hard time compared to the interviews of the other two – but still I handled it OK I think.
Then over the Shore for some more door-knockin’ with Sky News taggin’ along, with a couple of whanau with really different prospects but still all part of the bigger whanau of Tai Tokerau, before we closed the night with a catch up with MANA Rakipaewhenua.
Tuesday I gotta hui in Wellsford (last minute job), then we gotta stop off in Whangarei, Kawakawa and Kaikohe to share the MANA before we get back to Kaitaia for a debate in the afternoon and a radio show at night.
Wednesday I start with a breakfast in Te Kao and then we back on the road again.
HatK says:
Post Author June 21, 2011 at 8:59 pmE Hone – me pai too haere te Rangatira o AApopo.
Just remember the votes that dictate the TaiTokerau region’s candidate are in Tamaki makaurau – not Northland. Kia Kaha te kapa-Mana!
Ruebs @ ahipara says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 12:07 amthe iv on te karere was good bro, u getting better every day with the pressure, they other 2 looking tired.
maramataka is improving, Tangaroa be here Thurs and stays with us til next week Wed.
this by election is going to make the general one so much easier, a good decision again
Attiya Andrew says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 11:06 amTake some time out for you Hone. Take care!…….I think Ratana not far off the mark with their korero!
Jacqueline Carter says:
Post Author June 22, 2011 at 1:36 pmTēnā koutou ko Hone mā, he mihi tēnei ki a koutou katoa kei te kawe ake i te kaupapa nei. Ko te tūmanako ka eke ki te taumata hei te Rā Horoi kei te haere mai nei, na reira, kia kaha, kia maia, kia Mana! Just wanted to say I have never ever joined a political party before but am seriously thinking about joining the Mana Movement. I hope the majority of people who live in Te Tai Tokerau are thinking the same way and become as determined to get Hone back in to Parliament as all the other political parties seem to be in ensuring he stays out mo ake tonu atu! I have to agree with John Tamihere there; we’ve never before seen anything quite like it and it’s mainly because Hone is truly of the people and clear about not giving up on our rights (and not just Treaty rights, I’m talking pre-Treaty rights that Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi were both supposed to protect, no matter what the words were!). Am also hoping the people of Tai Tokerau come out in record numbers on the day even if it’s just to stick it to John Key and all the naysayers who believe there will be a very poor showing as there tends to be in every by-election. This is not just any by-election; this is momentous in the history of this country and I only wish I lived in Te Tai Tokerau so I could exercise the opportunity to add another vote for Hone! Which is the next thing I think you should work on Hone when the people vote you back in to Parliament; how about making it we can vote according to our iwi and not just according to where we live! (Although obviously not just Ngapuhi though, as you can tell by the “kei te” at the beginning of this blurb!).