Hone’s Diary | 13 June 2011
Posted on June 13, 2011 by admin in KoreroHad to skip my niece’s birthday in Horeke Sat night because I’d accepted a request to do Q+A the next day, so I had to reshuffle my schedule to attend the Mormon Stake Conference in Kaikohe on the Saturday night instead of the Sunday, and I’m glad I did.
Way different from Destiny, but when you strip away the structure of different religions, the principles are all basically the same – honour your god(s), protect and care for your whanau, and lay down good guidelines for your mokopuna.
Q+A was a bit squeezed this morning – no time for a proper debate of the issues – but it went OK.
Caught up with a few MANA voters downtown, then picked up my boy who’s off to Scotland next week, and we all headed back up north.
Talked to a crew in Whangarei about environmental issues up Ahipara, and picked up a whole bunch of tautoko just crossin’ the carpark!
Out on the streets in Kaikohe Monday afternoon and NATIVE AFFAIRS Monday night; should be a packed house and hopefully a good debate.
The Herald’s trailing me out to Panguru on Tuesday, then it’s back down to Aucks for TE TEPU on Wed morning.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 13, 2011 at 10:49 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aih4FxzdUgg&feature=autoplay&list=ULWKlw5aPQPZA&index=2&playnext=1
Investigative reporter John Buchanan exposes Bush’s family connection to the Nazi war machine.
Ripped from Alex Jones Martial Law – Rise Of The Police State.
See all 9 videos
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 14, 2011 at 12:22 amAmazing collation
Shows how to mass mesmerise a whole people, Germans in this case
America and NZ etc do it with the media, celebs junk food , alcohol and drugs, television, talkback radio, all the religions especially TV Evangelism preach NEVER PROTEST against the NWO! etc etc
and Olympic Games and foot ball and sport ties the whole conspiracy together.
Importantly the reading of books is downgraded as Occult Hollywood takes over our heads and lives.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 14, 2011 at 10:00 amI hope Hone has a clear vision of what America is doing to us and the whole world and tells it like Doctor Ron Paul, presidential aspirant and just all round only decent guy in the senate.
Ron Paul is somuch better than the rest
I joined the Mana Party but with Green Party stickers on the beanie.
Kia kaha
Jenny says:
Post Author June 14, 2011 at 10:35 pm“Just another slice of paradise”
How Maori lost their land
19th Century land grab tactics in the 21st Century
An Island couple who own some land in Rarotonga, take out a mortgage with a bank to buy a kitset home to be delivered and built on their land. The mortgage stipulates that the Kitset house company is only to be paid the full amount on the delivery and completion of the house.
1/ In breach of the mortgage agreement the bank pays out all the full amount of money to the kitset house company.
2/ The kitset house company does not deliver the house as arranged, instead declares itself bankrupt taking all the money with them.
3/ The bank demands immediate full repayment of the total amount of the mortgage not from the company but from the PI couple and threaten to take their land unless they pay the full amount immediately.
4/ The result: the couple lose their deposit, And lose their land.
If there is no political intervention I imagine that this story will follow a time worn pattern as follows:
1/ Using the template perfected for over a hundred years in this country, the bank will call on the local police to evict the couple from their land for non-payment of the mortgage for the house they never got.
2/ The police will use the necessary amount of force to uphold the law, arresting the couple. The courts will issue them with a trespass notice, and threaten them with fines if they return to their land without the new owners permission.
3/ The bank along with other lucky investors will build a holiday resort on the land.
5/ The resort will hire the couple and their children as cleaners and maids at slave wages and treat them like dirt, to wait on the rich bankers and bankrupt Palagi businessmen who come to enjoy the resort on their stolen land.
6/ Relaxing at the poolside of the resort, being waited on hand and foot by the former owners of all the land around them, some resort guests may ponder how did this amazing circumstance come about.
Maori up and down this land could relate this chain of events from their own experience of land theft here.
Maori will tell you that faced with similar circumstances, the cost of hiring lawyers to seek justice through the courts was so burdensome that they had to sell even more land to pay for them. Launching a downward spiral of land loss.
What is needed is immediate combined solidarity pickets by Maori and PI and concerned Palagi outside every branch of this bank all around the country, to impede their flow of profits.
The above story was broken in a brief TV1 news report.
If not for the power of the internet most people would have missed this single news flash – unfortunately for the bank, though no single other media outlet has run with this story, and TV1 has chosen not to repeat, or follow it up. Due to the power of the internet the facts are still retrievable.
Here they are:
1/ The couple’s names are Nooroa Samuel and Tangi Samuel both resident of Raratonga.
2/ The Bankrupt kitset home builder is Bettaway based in West Auckland.
(Where Mana the Maori Party and Labour are currently running election campaigns)
3/ The bank persecuting the couple is ANZ.
4/ The couple had ordered and paid for a kitset home from Bettaway Properties based in west Auckland.
5/ Despite receiving their money, the company never sent any part of the kitset to Rarotonga and several months later went into liquidation.
6/ “I started ringing Bettaway and chasing after them, and all I get from the director of Bettaway is don’t contact me,” said Nooroa Samuel
7/ …..the ANZ bank – which lent them $95,000 for their kitset home – handled their loan.
8/ According to their letter of offer, the bank said the money would be paid to Bettaway progressively – as work was completed and the property inspected.
9/ But all the money was directly paid to Bettaway despite the work never being completed.
10/ The Samuels also said they only authorised the bank to make one initial payment.
“They make the policy but they break their own policy,” said Tangi Samuel
11/…… the bank is demanding the couple – who have been refusing to make loan repayments on the non-existent house – repay the full amount immediately with interest, adding to $180,000.
12/ If they don’t pay it, they could lose their land.
(The above facts were taken verbatim from the transcript of the TV1 news flash.)
We could do with a popular political movement, to deal with powerful thieving financiers like ANZ bank Along with all their ‘owned’ politicians and paid for media.
For hounding the couple and attempting to steal their land.
ANZ should reimburse this couple’s deposit.
ANZ should also be forced to pay substantial damages to the Samuels.
Will there be any just outcome for the Samuels’?
All the other news outlets have shown no interest in taking up this story and it looks like TV1 will not be doing any follow up of this story either, so we may never know the outcome.
Such is the shallowness of the Mainstream Media.
In my opinion if there is to be any justice for Nooroa and Tangi Samuel it will be up to us to follow up and if necessary champion their case.
Gwynn says:
Post Author June 16, 2011 at 8:27 pmHaving not seen the media report, have they been able to go to the Ombudsman? As if what has been detailed is the truth, then one would imagine they would have a very solid case to put forward.
That said, would the Ombudsman scheme apply to the Cook Islands? It is a New Zealand territory, and as such is self governing, so ultimately it may well rest on whether it was ANZ New Zealand that lent the money, or ANZ Cook Islands that did, and whether the Cooks have their own Ombudsman system if the New Zealand one doesn’t apply there.
Anonymous says:
Post Author June 15, 2011 at 4:22 pmHeard Hones comments about Maori Parliament, not sure if its a very good idea. Why not a Maori Popular Assembly, attended by the people, Facilitated by MPs but decisions made by everyone? Seems silly to set it up only for MPs. Is Mana party going to push for more Direct Democracy and inclusion? I am a member but am still not sure if I will vote after hearing this/Destiny Church fiasco. Where is stanch left wing rhetoric! im sick of vote grabbing!!!
But Cheers, Hope you win in by election!!!!!