Ae Marika! | 3 June 2011 | Hone Harawira
Posted on June 3, 2011 by admin in Ae MarikaThis last week has been hectic to say the least.
On my last paid day as an MP I flew down to Christchurch to talk to Maori student leaders keen to know what was happening with MANA. They’d heard about my meeting at Auckland University the previous week that got all the publicity, and they were keen to hear what MANA had in mind for rangatahi. I suggested they build a rangatahi wing in MANA, and challenged them to bring in enough votes to choose their own MP. They loved the idea, and invited me to do a national tour after the by-election to talk about it with the Maori student body.
Last Wednesday I did the cooking slot on the Morning Show so with some chicken pieces, rice, water and soya sauce, I cooked a simple tasty meal that will feed a family of six for $25. Life is tough for everyone at the moment, so good cheap healthy meals are a must.
They held a fundraiser for me down Auckland last Thursday, but when I heard Mike King was going to be the main act, I almost pulled the plug! I mean, I’ve copped some abuse in my time, but sittin’ still while an expert scorches you for an hour ain’t exactly my idea of a good time!!
Anyway, it turned out to be a great night. Dale Husband and Julian Wilcox were there, so I announced Julian as the MANA candidate for Tamaki, which got a great big round of applause. I was just jokin’ though …
Heaps of people, lots of laughs and some great korero – particularly an impassioned plea from Mike King for MANA to do something about child abuse. A big challenge but you don’t back away from the tough issues, and next week I will be announcing a simple policy that won’t cost a lot of money but will have an immediate impact on a problem that is destroying Maori society.
On Friday morning I attended the Council of Trade Unions Runanga Kaimahi meeting in Wellington to talk to them about MANA’s rise in the polls, and my own standing in the prime ministerial stakes (lower than Key and Goff, but higher than Don Brash, Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples).
And then on Friday night I attended a meeting at Pipiwai with the other candidates, where Labour’s Kelvin Davis talked about a few things but he had just one issue – education. Not surprising given that he’s a teacher but he struggled with most other issues, choosing to fall back on Labour’s record instead. That got him into hot water with many of those in attendance who pointed out Labour’s atrocious record on a whole host of issues, including education, privatisation, and the Foreshore and Seabed.
The Maori Party candidate relied totally on party policy, because although he’s a nice enough character, he really didn’t have any ideas of his own, and there was another guy that nobody could understand.
I chose to focus on a few issues.
- I said that although Labour was scared to revisit the Foreshore and Seabed issue, I would keep bringing it back to the table until we won Maori title to our takutaimoana.
- I talked about Education, but with a simple focus – that every Maori child in Tai Tokerau can read well, write well, count well and speak well by the time they’re 10.
- I talked about us taking a simpler approach to Employment by focusing on a special Maori jobs project for the north.
- And because everyone freaks when you suggest ideas that might cost a bit of money I also tabled the Hone Heke Tax as the way to pay for the ideas I was suggesting.
The by-election campaign is now officially under way so this’ll be my last AE MARIKA for a few weeks. I hope you’ve enjoyed them all. Watch for the next one on the 28th!!
Ray Isaacs says:
Post Author June 3, 2011 at 5:30 pmAe Marika anoo ki a koe Hone. Pai ake anoo nga pito koorero k runga. Ko te manaako, aata haere i a take, i a take tae atu ki te raa pooti, aa, ka patua eera atu ngaa ngangaara atu ngaa raiona i te whare kawanatanga. Mauri ora, Mauri MANA!
Rewiri Tarapata says:
Post Author June 3, 2011 at 6:09 pmka tauotko katoa i ahau ki aau mahi rangatiratanga o too Mana ehoa maa e
Tasi Ruwhiu says:
Post Author June 5, 2011 at 11:54 amYes Hone I would love to see the work Trusts start up again or something on that level for employment on the whenua they were really a wow factor when we were doing that back in the 70s, there are still a lot of land left over to do gardening, farming, working etc for our mokopuna to enjoy in this life…thanks for all the update.Glad to see your passion for what you believe and even better the support from all walks of life…Kia Kaha to you and your Whanau…
Tipene Curtis says:
Post Author June 7, 2011 at 4:38 pmMana party policy is the saviour for Aotearoa.
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author June 7, 2011 at 6:52 pm..
A film and radio link to show how the Mana Party and Greens can steer Aotearoa away from death of our liberty:
The Obama Deception(by Alex Jones)HQ Full length
Listen to Alex Jones and specialists, scientists and guests
and the corporates’ varied victims on internet Radio 24/7
Listen now (while you keep surfing)
Download VLC Player & install.
Then listen to Alex Jones by downloading the pls file to play on VLC Player at next line.
Thanks people.
Love to all
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.”- Frederick Douglass
Van Wisch says:
Post Author July 2, 2011 at 10:38 amAnd even if this does work, this won’t get you that many players. There were only 7 players tagged this year, and three of them have already re-signed with their teams. The other four are Lance Briggs (very ticked off), Asante Samuel (slightly ticked off, from what I’ve read), Dwight Freeney (happy camper), and Cory Redding (I have no idea how he feels about it). So even if you got all the franchise players that were ticked off about it, that’s maybe a handful of players a year if you’re lucky, and only some of them are stars that would bring fans to your league. I don’t see how that would make much of a difference in building an 8 team league.